So now we know who was behind the Gamestock rises!
I have never indecently exposed myself. On the contrary, I do it rather well. Just this week, I accidentally showed my privates to a virtual room full of delegates during an online training course. Nobody complained. Mind you, it's not the kind of thing that gets asked about in the delegate feedback form, is it? I wonder how I …
'Gestalt' was the name given to API functionality in the original Macintosh that allowed you as the developer to query the OS to see if there was support for a given feature. This enabled a media player, for example, to be installed and fail gracefully on files for which there wasn't a codec installed, but work for the rest. If the codec was subsequently installed then the media player would 'just work' with no further changes.
The Windows way was to check the Windows version and refuse to install if it wasn't high enough.
"The Windows way was to check the Windows version and refuse to install if it wasn't high enough."
No, that was lazy programmers.
I'm sure back in the early 2000s there was a TechNet or MSDN article warning NOT to do it. Certainly I read an MS article explaining. Because features supported is more important than OS version.
I had preview USB stack for NT4.0 and of course USB device drivers mostly wouldn't install, because instead of looking for USB they looked for NT5.* (2K was 5.0). Naturally some suspect NT9.0 was skipped due to programs looking for 9.x, but really Win7 should have been 6.<something> as an increment to Vista, Win8 was really win 7 and Win 10 should have been Win 8.
"but really Win7 should have been 6.<something> as an increment to Vista, Win8 was really win 7"
They were, internally. WMI queries to ID the OS version, E.g. for SCCM collections, will show that Windows 7 is NT Workstation 6.1, Windows 8 is 6.2 and Windows 8.1 is 6.3.
The Vista name had to be retired though, because it had such a huge stigma around it.
Definitely lazy programmers. I've been ranting about this for almost four decades. Things like code that does: "find machine type, declare that this machine has no clock" instead of "look for a clock, if there is no clock then there is no clock".
In fact, not even lazy programmers, it's worse than lazy, it's... well I don't know what to call it, people with a hole in a certain part of their brain... programmers. Being "lazy" would be assigning them more mental activity than they actually did.
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Hmm, so when I see a face in a cloud, you are saying it doesn't actually look like a face. How much does it have to not look like a face before I am officially Pareidoliac? I'm starting to worry, because sometimes the not-really-a-face-shape cloud shape is pretty convincing.
Unless you are talking about AWS, in which case I'm fine.
Rewinding back 3 weeks, to when there was a reference to Toyah and Robert's Sunday Lockdown, the following article, which appeared yesterday has Toyah recounting the background to that video...
(2nd paragraph onwards)
Pah, not even that.
In these days of wokeness even Lego parts have lost their "edge". I can't stand how they now make custom "bricks" for some specific sets.
OF COURSE you can't build a proper Bugatti Chiron using only the good old "jump-to-the-ceiling-in-pain-when-walking-on-in-the-dark" bricks !
But perhaps I'm just getting old and grumpy.
was it, however, a lowly employee, one of those famously underpaid (or, unpaid), world-wide army that work for peanuts / sex / nothing, as an unavoidable 1st step in their long and successful career? If so, it's a massive EU fail, given the context of the documents (what's more important... secret plans to start WW3?). If, however, it was a "specialist" on a healthy, say, between EUR 100K - 200K pay, perks included, with a long, and exceptional job history, that includes practical skills of knife and fork-throwing, breaking into non-EU safes AND extensive academic knowledge of history of pdf-redaction fuckups that goes back at least 20 years, than it's a massive EU fail. And I wonder, if anyone can create a bot to crawl through the EU hundreds of sites (possibly more), live and dead, as well as not-quite-dead, and scrape all the redacted documents, who knows, how many, perhaps all of them contain such privileged, "redacted" information?
p.s. This latest AstraZeneca (but in reality, UK-EU) debacle was a sharp stress test, on top of the even more massive covid stress-test situation. While it confirmed the urban myth about the UK, it also revealed how the EU masters react in a high-stress situation. It's not inspiring.
plans to start WW3"
Eye 1520 cover...
On my first day at work (1981-07-13) - with an engineering company - I was sent to the admin office to get striped Tipp-Ex and a long weight.
It did actually happen to me - although after about 15 minutes waiting - I realised the joke. Suddenly I was part of the team.
while that response may be accepable in the 00s or 20s it was definatley not acceptable in the 80s.
you'd have got run over by the 9:18 to bedford
Spoken from the experience of getting a long stand, Tartan Paint, Photocopies of Braile Menus, and some wonderfull substance called "ICE MIX" tha turns water to cubes.
I did too. Our local Laverda dealer was having an open day with test rides. I went with a mate and he went out first. They would not let two of us out together so I had to wait until he came back. Half an hour, an hour, still no sign. Eventually he reappeared, on foot, having run out of fuel a few miles away. They went and fetched it, loaded into the van as it was the end of the day, and disappeared.
Mind you I did have a good ride when she and Chuckles got married. And Cup Final days before video recorders - magic!
I was driving back late at night on the night before Diana's accident, and listening to the radio, remembered the DJ mentioning that the program will be a "Diana free zone" - this was because of the media frenzy on the preceding days. Little did the DJ know the significance of what they said, a few hours before the fatal crash.
seeing that awesome Prodigy clip and thinking I'll never be able to experience it again... R.I.P. Keith
A user might assume, in 2021, that redacting a section of a document causes the application to automatically redact concomitant occurrences elsewhere. My guess is the word "adobe" splashed on screen at start-up which is fair warning, you know, there'll be redaction - but it's best reasonable endeavours.
Fair dinkum except next the Commission triggered the NI protocol. The thing the EU wanted in the WA to protect NI not just walked all over a mere 29 days later but some EU mouthpiece spouting on about "infallibility" mentions the Pope - like this wasn't ever a sectarian conflict - as incompetent as it was insensitive.
Today Ursula fond-of-Lying, who really should steer clear of mentions of both broomsticks and ships, has claimed steering is not the EU's strong point as it is a "tanker" whereas the UK is a "speedboat" (seriously - go check for yourself). She said there was bound to be a delay as the 27 were given five full days to consider the Commission's vaccine proposal - great Ursula, that explains he first week of delay but how about the other nine because the Commission getting involved added two months compared with the UK's position.
A number of good and blameless Europeans may die because instead of helping straggling member states with provision the Commission had to impose itself upon them all. If VDL were a tanker she'd be a "wotal tanker", if she were a sailing boat she'd be gaff rigged.
I don't know about others' experiences, but I have not hjad anything but excellent service from Amazon drives. Always put the packages on the front soop, and if it's an envelope, they will put part of it under the door mat so it doesn't blow away. I don't know how much they make, but it isn't enough.
Kudos to all the Amazon delivery people!!!
The 2016 SA100 and other years form can be downloaded, completely filled in on screen and printed. The 2017 version only has the .pdf form structured fields for the tax payer identification details on Page 3 but none of the fields that a Tax payer would actually need to fill in. Income, interest etc. From this I conclude that HMRC has posted the wrong version of the .pdf SA-100 form. The one posted seems to be an internal staff form used when staff are manually sending a punter the form and not the one intended for home completion. This posed a problem for doctors and others hand-writingly challenged ( me )
The other sub-forms for the 2017 tax year and main form for other years did have the .pdf forms fields ready for completion. Capital gains tax, Employee pages etc
Yes I reached out to them twice ( and El Reg) but form was never fixed and remains the pen only version to this day. See here https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/626131/SA100_2017.pdf