Sad Reflection on Humanity
Not too long ago, or eons ago depending on how you tell time (Y2K), domain registration and ownership was a simple matter, whois noted all details, including name, addresses, telephone (and fax) numbers and e-mail addresses. Not a care or thought was given to the registration details being available in the world of the honest actor. But since that time, in what feels like it pervades all manner of life and politics, dishonest actors, so lacking in integrity and moral character set about making mischief and perverting every aspect of available information and data, either for personal gain or to sew general chaos. To such an extent that if you look at the time, toil, resources and effort expended in defensive measures, it likely surpasses the amounts spent in the pursuit of normal business operations. I have no statistics to offer on whether the resource split straddles the line or falls on one side or the other, but having experienced the world pre NCSA Mosaic, and that which we live in now -- it is truly a sad reflection on humanity. Here's to hope...