Rotten at the Core
I'm convinced the issue with Schools + Pandemic is the Department for Education itself, in particular the leadership.
Everything they could conceivably screw up, they do. Gavin Williamson threatening legal action against schools to for ending term a couple of days early, to reduce spread in the midst of a pandemic being a particularly egregious example.
Tech is an area they've been fucking from the start. Somewhere on El Reg there's a story about BT having offered to provide cheap connectivity to kids in need, within 6 months, but the DofE telling them to sod off "we can get better elsewhere", only for there to be no meaningful provision in place come the next lock down.
And, of course, it came out that Williamson was one of the (relative few) cabinet ministers arguing to delay/avoid this current lockdown. He was also part of the reason kids were sent back to school for one day - presumably as a last chance to pick the virus up and spread it into communities.
As a nation, we've taken a bloke who was once interrupted by Siri on his own phone, whilst giving a speech in Parliament, and put him in charge of Education.
I'm all but certain that someone once said to Boris "It's a shame really, what Gavin really needed was to have spent more time in education", and Boris' misunderstanding of that statement has become a cross we all have to bear.
> There has to be an official inquiry.
Indeed. Though given the number of ministers who should have resigned/been sacked over other things, it currently seems hard to believe an inquiry would actually lead to any changes/imrovement