Cleanup in Aisle 45
She, like the new President, has a lot to clean up after the Unnatural Disaster of the last 4 years.
President Joe Biden has made Democrat FCC commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel acting chairwoman of America's communications regulator. Rosenworcel needs the Senate's approval before she can take on the role on a permanent basis. Even then the FCC leadership will still be split with two Democrat commissioners and two Republicans …
The UK is still cleaning up after Blairs mess & Labour left in 2010!!
Blair stacked key institutions, QUANGO's, NDPB's etc and others with his supporters & subsequent governments either never realised or didn't know how to replace those people with their own. Boris is now making moves to amend this.
The UK Supreme Court is a prime example of a UK institution that stacked itself with leaders opposed to this government.
its far more prevalent & obvious in the US to stack agencies with friendlies and hasn't really been seen as a thing in the UK till now.
Also over the last few years it has become apperent that El Reg will need a subsidiary in China and other world leading localities since there is a lot of reporting on the US situation. A lot.
Also, since I regard El Reg as a british enterprise, focus on the british situation comes as a natural interest.
You think that Google & Disney should be able to consume however much bandwidth they want & the ISPs should be required to just provide it?
Net Neutrality is a fight between Big Content & the ISPs. There is a slight advantage for new technologies with NN, which I why I tend to favor it, but it is FAR from an issue where simplistic solutions are going to end up with consumer-friendly outcomes.
Google and Disney ARE, to all intents and purposes, the ISP. But ISPs don't exist in a vacuum. They require peers, for the mutually beneficial exchange of packets. They can consume all the bandwidth they like, they are paying for their end. Likewise, I am paying for MY end. If I decide they are using too much of my end, I'll depeer them. And I have. They don't exist on my Internet. Problem solved.