RedHat ... baaaa!
We were Fedora Core users until the split at FC9 and moved Ubuntu.
Now that RedHat, Ubunu and Debian have all lost their way with the preposterous joke that is 'systemd' we've settled on using Devuan 3.0 - and very good it is too. I can have unlimited *proper* servers doing unlimited workloads and without a sniff of systemd anywhere.
Systemd might be what you need if you're trying to create a windows equivalent environment, but if you just want simple, reliable, server platforms its a joke.
We now have mission critical and business critical systems just work, for days, weeks, months or years on end ... we don't have to pay anyone for the privilege and there's no systemd to f**k things up.
Life is good.
Don't believe all the BS ... pick your server OS carefully.