Re: Artificial problem generators
Things are never as black and white as you are implying. I would love to see a true anarchy that actually worked (it would probably be indistinguishable from "true democracy"). But every freedom has some bad side effects that lead to failure ...
> Freedom to transact without permission of third parties.
... is used to trade in slavery, child prostitutes, weapons of mass destruction, biological attack agents, and more...
> Freedom to exchange information without external governance.
... about how to make weapons of mass destruction, ways to get away with murder or mass genocide, ...
> The freedom to just do it and see what happens versus settling for a predicted norm.
... is enjoyed by dictators, megalomaniacs, terrorists, and internet trolls everywhere. There are a dozen or more wars of genocide going on now because some enjoy this very freedom.
> The freedom to maximize entropy to farm incidental discovery.
... WTF? maximum entropy is heat - freedom demolish the world by fire?
> The freedom to experiment.
... on captive populations of slaves, prisoners.
The term "mad scientist" is not a fictional concept. Medical and Psychiatry history is littered with people who enjoyed this freedom in ways that would make your skin crawl. Literally in one case of beetle experiments.
> The freedom to learn from your own experiences rather than be governed by the insecurities and fears of others.
... what the worlds deadliest poison tastes like, or what an atomic blast feels like from up close, or what it is like to be flayed alive.
Fear is a communication of perceived danger. It signals that caution should be used when learning and experimenting with the subject matter.
> Humans exist to ...
[Elided several statements of personal belief about "meaning of life" without any factual basis.]
> When everything is happening under government control with an expected norms, the world grows stagnant and individuals become irrelevant unto themselves, encouraging depression ,suicide or primaly motivated compulsions to clear space so there might have a chance to create their own order that result in apathy and hatred towards their neighbors.
This statement is somewhat disingenuous. The truth is there has never been a government system which truly met the "everything is happening under government control" basis. The closest humanity has come to that is Authoritarian Dictatorships and Communes. Even there dissidents are routinely found acting against the rules.
In such situations the outcome is quite the opposite to what your statement concludes. As shown by the dissidence - human inclination towards hatred focuses towards the authority rather than towards neighbors.