Its not a US-China Trade War
This trade war is one sided -- the US keeps on coming up with ways to 'punish' China which either will or will not cause the Chinese to retaliate. This is a good example of a particularly mindless piece of provocation becuase forcing these stocks to delist from the NYSE won't hurt the companies a bit, the only people that will lose out are US investors. So let's not call it a 'war' because this implies its two sided which its not. Its just the US government thrashing around because, like other late stage Empires, it doesn't like being challenged.
Quite honestly, we appear to be scaping the bottom of the barrel trying to find stuff that will hurt the Chinese. A lot of it is mindless -- for example, there's this ongoing campaign to purge Huawei from 5G networks, a campaign involving a massive lobbying / strongarm effort by the US, government to government. The problem is that one of their alternative suppliers, Erisscon, has about half the market for base station equipment in China. If government action prevents Huawei from participating in, say, Sweden's comparatively small market then we shouldn't be surprised if there's a risk that government action would impede Ericsson's much larger market in China. Its dumb to try to force markets to conform to outmoded models, they're like water, they'll always find a way and, like water, if you're in the way you're likely to get washed away.