A hunk of junk...
> The previous emission from the Slack support team back on 23 November exclaimed: "Good news! The issues with degraded performance are no longer impacting customers."
Throughout December, it's been problematic on mobile devices, with channels loading incredibly slowly, if at all. There were also issues with sending messages - again, if you typed it and waited long enough, it'd eventually get sent, though you'd generally then have to force-quit the app and reload to send another.
Things seemed better post-Xmas on the mobile front - channels were loading and updating, and I was able to send messages. But then around midday, I tried to have a voice chat with a colleague, Only for it to complain that not only was Slack waiting for them to connect, but at the same time, it was also waiting for me to connect. Similar when I gave up and they tried to call me.
And now it's melted down altogether [*].
For now, we've fallen back to Google Hangouts (anyone remember that?) ; given that lockdown looks to be continuing for the foreseeable future, I suspect a lot of people will be looking at alternative platforms...
[*] as of ~5pm UK time, it seems to be lurching back into life, though it's taking 20-30 seconds for messages to be sent. Which isn't too far from the behaviour we saw on mobile devices during December...