Re: "[they] lacked standing to pursue the case, and that they’d sued the wrong target"
"Why did six states stop counting on the night after the election, an unprecedented move that happened only in six swing states?
Why did several of those states get a sudden unexplained uplift in votes for one candidate when they 'resumed' counting?"
Ask the individual state returning officers why the 'stopped counting' (if they did, you do not name the states so I cannot tell which ones you refer to). The 'uplift in votes' for Biden has been explained by the fact that the Democrats were encouraging mail-in ballots rather than voting in person to avoid the spreading of coronavirus. Directly cast ballots are counted first, mail-in ballots have to be stored and then delivered to the counting officers. This happened in pretty much every state.
"Why was counting continued in Fulton County after poll watchers were told it was done for the day, using only ballots that had been hidden under a table, by counters using counting stations that they hadn't been using while the watchers were present?"
I don't know, but I did see that storing ballot boxes under a table is perfectly reasonable - the ballots were not hidden, they were just kept out of the way while other ballots were counted.
"Why are several thousand voters registered at post boxes?" IN which state? And what do the laws on voter registration there say about homeless people registering for a vote. I assume that there are some places even in the USA where homeless citizens are allowed to vote?
"Why were many votes accepted from people that don't live in the state those votes were cast?"
Well maybe people who are registered to vote in a state but who work (or attend college) outside that state are allowed to vote in their home state. When I was at Uni I have postal vote for my home town constituency, not York, where I was a student.
"Why are requests for signature verification being refused, for audits to be refused, for examination of the voting machines refused, when saying 'yes' would apparently swiftly prove nothing untoward happened."
Are they being refused? Where? You may be interested to know that voting machines are proprietary, and the source code was deemed to be sensitive, and therefore not for public review, some years ago. there was a lot of fuss about nobody being able to verify the source code used, especially when there was no verifiable paper trail of votes cast that would allow a recount. So ask the companies that make the machines.
"Why are so many precinct tallies impossible to verify?" This is a flaw in the voting systems in the USA, ask the state election officers.
"Why do so many ballots lack a chain of custody that confirms their legitimacy?" How many is "so many"? In which state(s)? The state election officials decide which votes may be counted, ask them.
"Why did 90% of the military ballots vote for a candidate the military appear to hate?
Why did Biden get millions more votes than Obama or Clinton yet win fewer counties?"
Well maybe Biden is more popular than you think among the military. Trump hired several former generals in his staff and fired them (Mattis was highly regarded, Flynn somewhat less so). He was also somewhat vicarious in his announcements about troop movements in Iraq and Afghanistan, without consulting the military. Trump's decision to kill the Iranian top general on a visit to Iraq, which also killed a senior Iraqi general resulted in an Iranian attack on the US base in Iraq which injured many US forces personnel. I doubt that went down well with the military.
"Why did Biden under-perform Clinton and Obama everywhere except six swing states?
Why did the Bellweather counties fail miserably for the first time ever to predict the winner?"
Not sure that what you've posted is true. But as for the so called 'bellweather states', they do not always predict the results, otherwise there would be no need for national elections.
"Why have several hundred people signed affidavits detailing electoral irregularities if there were none?"
Maybe they were mistaken, but the judges who threw out the court claims will have read the affidavits and decided whether they have merit. Several hundred people out of literally thousands of election observers is not very many. What I note is that not one single vote-counter has been quoted as saying there were irregularities. They cannot all be rabid Biden supporters. Mr Raffensperger, Mr Barr, Mr Krebs etc. all say this was the fairest and cleanest vote in US history.
"Why does every single statistical analysis of the election send up massive red warning flags on every single electoral fraud meter used across the world?"
As far as I can make out, they don't. Please provide references to genuine statistical experts claiming this.
"Why was it possible to hack into a Georgia voting machine over the Internet while it was in use in the Georgia run-offs when we'd been assured that those machines were not connected to the Internet?"
No idea that this happened, a reference to the Register (or any other reputable news agency) article on it would help.
"Why have several state legislators and congressmen, having reviewed the evidence available, insisted that their state's results can not be legally certified?" Well, on the basis that elected representatives are not all as objective and level headed as I would like, maybe they are playing politics. Remember that one state legislature voted to define the math constant Pi to be 3.2, another wants to insist that doctors do not perform an abortion on an ectopic pregnancy (one where the fertilised egg resides in the Fallopian tube), but transplant it to the vagina, even though there is no even theoretical medical procedure to achieve this.
"Why did (at least) four states run their elections in a way that contravened their own state laws?"
I believe that there were problems with Covid-19 protection regulation that meant they had to change procedures. These changes were tested in the states' individual supreme courts and SCOTUS and found to be acceptable.
You have asked a lot of questions which, sorry, lack the detail required for a detailed, or as you have it "convincing" answer. If you want a sourced categorical response, you really do need to provide a sourced categorical question, with details, not phrases like "some states", "several state legislators" etc.,say which ones, who, what and when?
If you have read this far, then you have my genuine respect, and I wish you a Happy New Year, but please respect that fact that other people may not agree with your views.