back to article SHRT hits the fan for first-gen Surface Hub users: Jumped-up whiteboard can now be updated via dedicated tool

As some Surface Hub 2 users continue to wait for Microsoft to deal with whatever has befallen the Windows update for their shiny wall decorations, the original Surface Hub can now pick up the new code via the Surface Hub Recovery Tool (SHRT). Both the 55" and 84" first generation of Microsoft's jumped-up whiteboards are …

  1. cookieMonster Silver badge

    Surface Hub Install Tool

    Where did they get the R from??

    1. eswan

      Re: Surface Hub Install Tool

      Recovery, I believe.


      Snerk. Took me a sec.

    2. David 132 Silver badge

      Re: Surface Hub Install Tool

      Where did they get the R from??

      Like so many other Microsoft products - they had a dig around in their Rs and pulled out what they found.

      Pint because it's NYE.

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