Cloudy with a chance of forecast
Weather forecasters are bound to want "cloud" computing...
Few things are certain in computing, but the shift to the white and fluffy seems irrepressible. One prediction the European Centre for Midrange Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) seems confident in making, then, is that it needs to up its game in cloud computing. In a pre-qualification round of procurement, ECMWF said it is looking for …
Dublin tried to entice ECMWF to relocate it was only recently that they renewed the UK Government commitment to build new headquarters and research facilities for ECMWF on the University’s Whiteknights campus, as confirmed by the UK Science Minister, Amanda Solloway, on 10 December.
“We welcome the clear statement from the UK Science Minister Amanda Solloway, which highlights the strong UK commitment to relocate ECMWF’s core work to new premises at the University of Reading.
“Reading is one of the world’s leading scientific centres for weather, climate and environmental science. The combined power of researchers based at the University of Reading, including units of the UK Met Office and the Natural Environment Research Council, plus the core work of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, will continue to represent a scientific force that benefits the whole world.”
This is going to be an interesting natural experiment of Brexit - how many of these "Staffing Resource Units" you can move move/replace and what side effects there are from moving a world center of expertise from London to GDansk.
Postdocs or $MM bonus paid traders you can move to Frankfurt on a whim. But telling finance lawyers or meterologists with 30 year careers and families that from next week they are working in Ruritania because of some pork-barrel deal on an office reloaction might provoke a different reaction.