Pros and Cons
Definitely there are some distinct things we've all learnt from enforced remote working.
1) Technically, it works for most IT people. Of course it does, the IT department knew that years ago.
2) Some people are happy they don't have to share a space with some miserable cnut (every office has one or more)
3) Some people just hate people and being forced to go near them (seems in IT there is a lot of them, must be something in the water cooler)
4) The board love it - seeing all of those dollar bill signs flash before their eyes when they think of all of the facilities they can close
5) Commuting or even wearing outdoor clothes is over. Nobody really loves either of those do they? Money saved is a lot.
6) Knowledge sharing is seriously dented. Anyone who worked in a distributed team knew this already.
7) The number of meetings has skyrocketed, and still the knowledge sharing is poor. Zoom/Teams doesn't begin to bridge the gap.
8) The social people hate it. Yeah, even IT has some.
9) The mental cost of being sat in your house all day everyday is bad. The physical one even worse.
10) a lot of people don't have suitable working conditions at home. Particularly effects younger people.
Don't get me wrong, I understand it was needed for COVID, I just hate the idea that this is permanent going forward.
I'd love to get back to regular days at an office location but maybe we can find a compromise where we don't care about suits and ties any more, 9am starts and spend the together time more focused on collaboration, with the balance at home. There is no reason why not.