Embrace, extend, extinguish. Oh hang on, wrong company. Perhaps it should be Inspect, Invest, Inhume...
I moved off RedHat 10 years ago. They used to charge a modest fee for their MRG offering, and then they realised it was mostly used by high speed share trading investment companies so they upped the asking price to something like $3,000. Per node. Per year.Ah, bye bye. As all I needed was the "R" bit, we moved to a hybrid of Centos / Scientific Linux (as the names were back then).
Er, SystemD's Future?
This does beg a question though. With CentOS "gone", there's likely a bulk move away to another distro. That'll mean it'll become increasingly hard to find people who "know" the RHEL-style of distribution. So that might in turn diminish interest in outfits willing to pay for RHEL, and that might finish off the company.
Now, if RedHat shut up shop, who the hell takes on the demon spawn SystemD?
Lord knows that if we're to have such a hideous thing such as systemd, there really does need to be a big corporate backer who'll undertake to keep lots of resources focused on it. If dev / bug fixing stops anytime in, say, the next ten years then it's highly likely that there'll still be some catastrophic errors in it, unfound, unfixed.
Support Worth Paying For?
I honestly never saw the point of RedHat's "support". I never once got a good answer out of them, and got the distinct impression all they were doing was thumbing through a set of search results just like I could do myself.
The support from RHEL was no where near the level you had from, say, Sun in the very good old days, where they'd got a ton of detailed technical literature available for literally everything there was to know about their hardware and software. I'm happy to pay for that level of information.