Re: AWS us-east-1 and reliability
There has been an unwritten rule for a long time to never run anything in AWS us-east-1 if one wants it to work without issues. I have heard this for well over five years now.
But the underlying issue here with the Kenisis service is like many of the other outages that occur at AWS. No one else in the world has systems like this, because they are proprietary to AWS.
Even if someone did have a similar system, where there are no issues with scalability, possible failures and how to fix them. no other company is operating them at the scale AWS does. Things will break, and they will continue to cause outages like this one for years to come. There is just so much they don't know about their products and services, because they haven't had a failure wit them yet.
It brings me right back to the EBS failures they had a few years ago.
1) EBS volumes for a whole region went TITSUP.
2) Smart AWS customers had their EC2 systems set to reboot in another region when they went down just like AWS taught them to.
3) EBS storage systems in the other regions struggled mightily to boot up all these newly starting systems, and those regions suffered tremendous performance problems that essentially blew up everyone's day.
How these people had not planned on the possibility of a whole region failing and starting to boot up in all of the other regions was enough to understand that these sort of outages will just continue to happen at AWS and the other cloud vendors.