Re: UK Crayon Departments are just as bad
Over the the years I've come across quite a few issues with names. Here are a few gems:
A car manufacturer that wanted to introduce their S5-model in the Netherlands. I was part of the market research team that had been hired. My supervisor told me the project was going to run for several weeks. I predicted it would be abandoned within a few days. S5 is the Dutch military designation for failure to pass the intelligence test...
The Project Management Team at a company I worked for jumped on the bandwagon to call everything "Services". So, PMT naturally became "PMS". A gal in the neighboring cubicle pod worked for this team, and we could never keep a straight face when she answered the phone. "Good morning, PMS, this is Susie."
Another team decided to run a campaign called "No More Lies". It had to be catchy, of course, so they settled on "No Moo Lies". With the domain name "". Fortunately they dropped that when I pointed out that "moolies" is a derogatory slang term.
Just this year a school district in the US created a new website for their online school. The county name starts with an "H", so add "Online School" and you get "hos"... They did in fact use the subdomain "". A quick online search would have immediately revealed that "hos" is not exactly an appropriate term. Radio talk show hosts have lost their jobs over the use of it...