back to article Arriving in 2021, the UK's Digital Markets Unit 'could' start to do something about the power of online ad giants

The UK government has announced plans to set up a Digital Markets Unit (DMU) to level the advertising playing field currently dominated by the likes of Google and Facebook. It's been a while coming. An investigation into online advertising in the UK was kicked off last year by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to …

  1. MrMerrymaker

    Good idea but will it have teeth?

    That's the thing isn't it. I want it to be able to absolutely scare companies

    No piffling little fines of billionaire tech corps

    I'd LOVE the directors of offending companies to be personally legally accountable.

    Without teeth this is doomed...

    1. nematoad Silver badge

      Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

      "Cue a code of conduct backed up by UK law."

      It would have a lot more clout if it had been backed up by EU law.

      Still, that's the price you pay for "Taking back control."

      1. Ragarath

        Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

        Really! You managed to to change this into a remain leave argument?

        The UK ad business is worth a lot of money. Yes if it has teeth it will have the clout needed but the teeth is the important part.

        1. nematoad Silver badge

          Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

          Yes, because we await the fallout from the decision in 2016. So far nothing has changed,

          Britain may have a thriving ad industry but that has nothing to do with the clout that a solitary country can use in trying to rein in these giant corporations. Twenty seven countries large and small working as one will inevitably have more influence that one middle sized country acting alone.

          I replied to MrMerrymaker's post in which he asked if the Digital Markets Unit had teeth. They may well have but there would have been a lot more and sharper too if they were backed up by the EU.

        2. EnviableOne

          Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

          the UK may be worth some money to Google/FB et al, but there is doubt wether extra legislation is worth abiding by for a market of 67million (well more like 47 when you discount the, technophobes, incapables and incompetents)

          wheras if the law is european based, then thats a market you can't afford just to pull out of

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

      Would it really be satisfying to hold the CEO of "Facebook UK" or "Google UK" legally liable? Because that's who you'd be filing charges against, not the Zuck.

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

        Offer Nick Clegg double what he is getting from Zuckerberg to head the unit, and a peerage at the end IF he gets some big scalps. Sort of Game Keeper turned Poacher turned Game Keeper. At least he should know a few of Zuckerberg's weaknesses

      2. MrMerrymaker

        Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

        "would it really be satisfying to hold the CEO accountable who is not the Zuck?"


    3. EnviableOne

      Re: Good idea but will it have teeth?

      this being the UK, there will be so many people with vested intrests and no-one with any specialist knowledge involved in drafting the legislation, that the chances of it having even baby teeth are near to zero, but starnger things have happened.

      We can but live in hope .....

      Off to find the hope ----------->

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bring it on... right now

    Better still, just close down Google and Fartbook. Be brave.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Bring it on... right now

      You sound like an idiot.

  3. Mike 137 Silver badge

    The way forward?

    'Platforms "could" be required to be more transparent about what they are doing with consumer data and offer up more choices.'

    They already are required to - by a little piece of legislation called the General Data protection Act (UK Data protection Act 2018). They simply ignore it, and the regulator seems to have no real clout to enforce it.

    The biggest problem is the huge economic disparity between the offender and the regulator. The slurper behemoths have turnovers greater than the GNP of some nations, but the ICO is funded by UK registrant fees. Consequently the offender can win simply by making it too expensive to pursue enforcement (this has already happened). The second major hurdle is the transnational nature of the behemoths. This allows them to shuffle around to evade national legislation, as only the USA seems to allot itself transnational jurisdiction, and the behemoths are based there. The third (at least potential) problem is the noises being made by some UK politicians suggesting they want to dismantle the protections the GDPR ostensibly provides once we pass January 1st 2021.

    Overall, there seems to be bu**er all that UK legislation can do to curb these behemoths. If anything is going to change, the public must vote with its mice. That could be supported by public education, but considering the power of (and contribution to GNP provided by) advertising there will be little enthusiasm for this.

  4. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. gforce

    UK & IT

    With their track record this will just end up as another F U failure .... but this is the UK, patron country of screwing things up.

  6. MJI Silver badge

    Please change the name, will ruin searches

    As a railway modeller I like to research various vehicles.

    Some of them underfloor engine fitted.

    I already have a university messing up some of my searches.

    Luckily the major search engines have dropped them down the rankings a bit.

    1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Please change the name, will ruin searches

      "Diesel" has been banished from the Government vocabulary by an edict from the Cabinet Office. Electric is the new Diesel. No more DMUs - EMUs all the way (at least until the extent of the electrification)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Please change the name, will ruin searches

      Switch them to electric please, the earth can do without fossil fuels

      1. Arty Effem

        Re: Please change the name, will ruin searches

        Just don't ask how it's generated.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Too big to fail

    Look that up in your Funk and Wagnells

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