anonymous "cyber security expert"
It's cummings... and I claim my free eye sight test!?!
Players' managers looking to lift salaries by a couple of million pounds or so better check their email read receipts: a full week after Manchester United was hit by hackers, many of its systems remain offline, with at least one report claiming the club is being shaken down for ransom. The malware hit the New York Stock …
New competition for El Reg readers: Spot The Ballsup
Simply mark with an X where you think the exact centre of the ballsup was.
(Answers in next week's paper where you won't believe how on earth our panel of independent investigators came to such a wildly different, yet management exonerating, conclusion.)
I assume they must be suing over naming rights etc. If so it may end up like various raving simulators over the years which didn't have FIA or F1 rights so had to give all the drivers and teams soundalike names etc (knowing that inevitably a couple of days after release people would start circulating patches that corrected them). If so I suggest that FM should replace them by a ficticious "Salford United" team"!
From what I read recently about a different case, players naming rights are sold collectively by the national leagues.
Of the major leagues, only Italy doesn't collectivise these rights.
I assume it is the same with club naming rights too - the only club currently in the FIFA game that uses an alias is Juventus ( called something along the lines of Piezante Calcio, which apparently means something like the foothills of the mountains - where Juventus are based ).
I would like to resubmit my original jokey comment for reappraisal. It's dry, but failing that I'll start releasing personal information about myself.
Some free tools work, depends on the nature of the attack and the like. Done properly the encryption is pretty much unbreakable in next x billion years. Where it's not done properly, or somehow the bad actors have been infiltrated, then yes, it maybe possible.
Of course, some decent capabilities in place before hand to be able to quickly restore everything, would have been a better answer.