back to article South Park creators have a new political satire series with some of the best AI-generated deepfakes on the internet yet

Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for their cartoon South Park, have created a new comedy deepfake series called Sassy Justice. The star of the show, Fred Sassy, is a local news reporter from Cheyenne, Wyoming, with the face of US President Donald Trump. Other notable characters include, erm, "Dialysis King" Mark …

  1. six_tymes

    more sophomoric garbage to sell the millions of morons. #moronsneedmoreentertainment

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      But enough about your posts...

    2. Tigra 07

      RE: six_tymes

      You don't have to watch it if you don't want to.

    3. macjules

      That you Jared?

    4. Francis Boyle

      I do think Parker and Stone's work can be pretty sophomoric at times but in a culture where most popular entertainment is pitched at about third grade level I consider that high praise.

    5. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

      You sound Canadian.

      1. Tigra 07

        RE: Throatwarbler Mangrove

        What's all this aboot?

        1. Player Piano

          Re: RE: Throatwarbler Mangrove

          This won't stand for the fine citizens of Letterkenny, eh.

  2. karlkarl Silver badge

    This use of this technology in this manner is really novel but I just don't really care enough about public figures to enjoy them saying catchphrases and things like that.

    I guess this is more for people who seem to crave celebrities? Perhaps I am just a luddite ;)

    I think that is my issue with the genre of "Jewish / American comedy". It is clearly very clever and well designed but most of the jokes seem to center around us giving a damn who the respective people are in real life. Without this, we won't quite catch the irony or satire.

    So whilst I would like to say the technology would be great if used in a different way... I think that would defeat the purpose of the whole technology!

    1. NATTtrash

      This use of this technology in this manner is really novel...


      cupboard > VCR > rummage > 80s tape > reading glasses > extension cable > lid opens > enters tape > ... > have to get CRT > opens trapdoor > attic > rummage > almost falls down stairs > connects > Spitting Image

      1. Player Piano

        It is like a mirror pocket dimension that Toronto lured Stacy into.

  3. JDPower Bronze badge

    Was I the only one thinking that MUST be a Trump lookalike? That's the first deep fake I've seen which I couldn't tell was fake. Even the others in the video you could tell, but the Trump one? Scarey.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Their Mark Zuckerberg looked weird, with this unnaturally long neck that made him look like a strange string puppet... So yeah, they nailed it!

    2. aregross

      So Donald John Trump, the President of the United States, is really Fred Sassy?


  4. wolfetone Silver badge

    If 2020 couldn't put the shiters up you any more, Stone and Parker come out with something truly incredible and unnerving.

    How long before we see something like the Queen eating a Corgi on YouTube and it promoted as real? The thin end of the wedge, the slippy part of the slope, the destroyer of worlds etc.

    And it's funny. So I like.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Well there is that current "Downing St" show by the people that did League of Gentleman. But it's a bit over the top

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      "How long before we see something like the Queen eating a Corgi on YouTube and it promoted as real?"

      When did you last see a royal corgi? /tinfoil hat

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A sleek [...] race car crashed straight into a wall ...

    Sounds rather like me when having a less-than-successful hour or two playing Forza on my son's xbox. :-)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: a less-than-successful hour or two playing Forza

      I blame the controllers - steering etc in a non binary way with tiny sticks and triggers is quite tricky to get right. I suppose I could spring for one of those steering wheel things, but then I would have (a) less money, and, worse, (b) fewer excuses.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: a less-than-successful hour or two playing Forza

        Found the error.

        Enable MurrayWalkerMode = True

        1. Precordial thump Silver badge

          Re: a less-than-successful hour or two playing Forza

          Found the error.

          Enable AyrtonSennaMode = True


          Too soon?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: a less-than-successful hour or two playing Forza

        "[...] steering etc in a non binary way with tiny sticks and triggers is quite tricky to get right."

        A friend's sons were avid users of non-analogue movement games controls from when pre-teens. It made me wonder how they would transition to the analogue controls of a real car in their late teens. They seem ok.

      3. Dave 126 Silver badge

        Re: a less-than-successful hour or two playing Forza

        I dunno, as a young un without much real driving experience I rounded a corner along some country lanes to discover the whole road was now a sheet of ice that continued around the next bend forty yards away.

        Though most credit must go to lady luck, I must also thank the hours I'd spent on the rally sections of Gran Turismo on the PlayStation... I eased off the throttle, didn't use the brakes, turned very early into the corner and slowly reapplied the throttle. I got away with it. Strange thing is, it was my gut that 'remembered' this procedure from the PlayStation, even though of course my gut had never experienced g-forces when playing video games.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Huh. I wonder if they'd have done this for "That's My Bush" had the technology been available at the time? Then again, Timothy Bottoms is a pretty convincing W lookalike anyway...

    1. beep54

      "That's My Bush" was criminally overlooked. What was really funny about it was that it wasn't poking fun at W. so much as it was skewering the concept of the generic sitcom.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    it was all just... tedious. Must be getting old :((((

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Trump must be ecstatic.

    After all well all the nasty pee videos and worse come out, he can just shout, "Deep Fake!"

  9. krs360

    Wait, that wasn't Tom Cruise?

    1. JDPower Bronze badge

      Of course it was, they just dubbed a different voice on. Geez, I thought Reg readers were smart!

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Not very convincing

    The deep fake of William Shatner doing the presenting wasn't very convincing. ;-)

    (And when Trump was denying he was ill, he should have just claimed he'd choked on a pretzel)

  11. Clunking Fist

    Lulz, that was good.

  12. DrM


    Gee, if the Roborace competitors would just wait a few months, they can just port-over Tesla's finished software.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    click here

    I sincerely hope that this poorly written article was copy-pasted by an exploited churnalist intern, and not by someone pretending to be a real journalist.

    The first rule of writing for the web school has always been:

    Do not use 'click here' or similar meaningless phrases as link text. It makes you look like an illiterate idiot, and provides no meaningful content for users of browser accessibility tools. Use text which describes what the link is about as the link text.

    1. Pat Att

      Re: click here

      Your general point about the link text might be valid, but your way of pointing it out will not persuade people of your cause. I do hope you're not in sales, or deal with real people in your day job.

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