Why the blue wave?
The blue wave: mail-in ballots tend to be more Democrat than Republican, hence on election day, the Republican votes come in early and as the blue ballots are counted, the Democrats take over.
Mail-in ballots have a paper audit trail, the mailed in ballot paper itself, plus the post office use to track the progress of ballots through its system, a thing DeJoy removed, that the court ordered be reinstated.
Vote-in-person ballots are more problematic. Even now, a decade and a half later some Republican states do not have paper audit trails. You have to trust the computer to accurately report the votes it received in those states.
The mail-in ballot is trustable, verifiable, the electronic vote without the paper trail is not trustable or verifiable.
So why is there a blue wave? Older, more Republican voters, do not go to the polls, they send in mail-in ballots. So how come there is a blue wave and not a red wave? It should be a red wave.
The whole blue wave concept is bogus.
I do not trust Republican Governors to run real elections, I do not trust them to count votes. They are acting in bad faith at all points in this election, trying to block the voting and block the counting of votes.
It is clear from the Klown Kavanaugh Kangeroo court that they view counting people's ballots as optional in a democracy. Those people whose ballots Republican Supremes refuse to count, they have taxation without representation, they literally ignored their votes because a Republican donor, DeJoy, delayed delivery of their ballot papers at the post office.
Republicans appoint judges by illegitimate tricks and then hope that people will treat their choices as if it was legitimate. Why should they? The basis of law in a democracy is the will of the people, not the will of the money.
We the people, not we the money.
Texas, one ballot drop location for 2.2 million registered voters, physically impossible for people to hand in their vote that way in Democrat areas, thanks to the Republican governor and his Republican judicial appointees. Somehow this is 'legitimate' says the Klowns, *no* it isn't, they should be able to drop off their ballots and have it counted.
Illegitimate court appointments to stack courts, elected judges turned into appointed judges by dint of a Republican Secretary of State refusing to run the election for the judges. Tricks, games, undermining of the judiciary.
All rules are off here. If its like 2000, you'll see Republican rent-a-mobs trying to shut down ballot counting, and Republican courts trying to pretend their acting in good faith. A trio of bad-faith actors, Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett, Roberts, all involved in suppressing the vote count in 2000, stuck into the Supreme court, and refusing to recluse themselves.
Deliver the ballots anyway. Count the votes anyway. You don't give a fk if Kavanaugh says "don't count those Democrat votes", or "don't deliver those votes", he can go boof himself. The democracy must outlive these Ruble funded Republicans, and their attempt to end democracy.