Democrats have won
Democrats have won the election, Republicans have confirmed this by their endless attempts to shut down the voting.
If you think you could win an election, you wouldn't try to spike the election. Republicans are trying to spike the election, confirming that they lost already.
Closing locations. Blocking mail in ballots. Stopping ballots being counted if the post office delivers them late. Subverting the post office to deliver ballots late in Democrat voting cities. Voter challenging. Legal endless challenges to limit voting of all forms.
"We the people".... becomes "We the Republicans"
Democrats won, time to take the trash to the dumpster.
So what happens now? Without the backing of the people Republicans have no basis for holding power and would have to do so by force.
You can see Republicans trying to get the police to rally around a different flag, a blue-line flag rather than the American flag. You can see false-flag operations, police being murdered by right-wing Trump groups pretending to be left-wing Biden groups. Ex-military types, the Boogaloo Bois, crossing State lines to ensure their crimes are Federal and thus pardonable by Trump. This hasn't worked, they were caught and their false-flag operation was revealed. Everyone knows now the Trump boys are killing the police.
You see the military unwilling to side with Trump, an army pissed off at Corporal bone-spurs.
You see the rag-bag border troops were unable to suppress protests in *one* city, let alone across the country. Now their leader has been labelled as illegitimately in office. You cannot follow his orders because he isn't allowed to give orders.
Trump's finished. Those little nazi groups are not enough to hold a Walmart, let alone a country.
His enablers should smell their future in a urine soaked prison, and decide that actually, this is not the hill they want to die on.
Stop obstruction the election Kavanaugh, stop blocking the voting Republicans. You lost, don't try to undermine democracy on your way out the door.