I agree, however the sad thing is that this is a common story:
In a system I manage, which is nothing more than a SQL database with a web interface, we struggled to get a "report" (PDF, in their terminology) of some very critical HR data. Literally the one document we must supply to government, regularly, run regularly, keep paper copies of in house, require in an emergency, etc. etc. etc.
The PDFs that come out the system are reliant on all kinds of nonsense on the backend - a service that runs Office 2010(!) products to then output to a fixed default "virtual printer" that creates a PDF of the Office output.
Anyway, after months of faffing, we were told that the report that comes out isn't fit for purpose, by the same government inspectors that required it. So we contacted the company. Their response, after much faffing, was "well our guy used to work for that same organisation and THEY think it's okay". Which, I'm sorry, is not an answer. Not when we are literally told outright that it's not suitable.
Cue many months of back-and-forth and no progress. In the end, they said it wasn't possible to get the information we wanted into an acceptable format except the original they supplied. We argued. They said if we sent them a template, they'd make it.
In the end, I did just that. Not just "here's a mock-up". I ODBC'd their database tables, interpreted their junky table layout and weird column names and built the SQL queries to get the base information from the same locations as their original report. Then I coded up an Excel sheet with a button to pull in that data, process it to some form of sanity (what IDIOT puts full postal addresses in a single field with no verification, so I had everything from just an address to just a postcode, to "no address" in 20 different hand-written formats, addresses that didn't exist, foreign address, some with town name, some without, etc. in a single free-form text box) present that data in a sensible layout and fit it all on a page with a single line for each person and a bunch of checkmarks in columns for each thing we needed to check about that person.
I supplied said printout, and said spreadsheet to them. 18 months later. Still nothing. We have a literally "not fit for purpose" output from the program, our own bodge in Excel that *is* fit for purpose and based solely off things they could do in their reports (and far easier than I ever could have!), and got no further with them actually making that report the way we LEGALLY need it to be.
So obviously we can't ditch the Excel. We can't make them put it in the software (even just for us, and they literally have custom reports for anything you like, so it wouldn't take them more than an hour and wouldn't affect a single other customer). And we can't pay someone to code it up properly as they'd have to integrate the systems and it would cost more than the salaries of all those involved anyway, and need to be updated to fit their software changes regularly.
Entire literal organisations are hinging their legal capability to operate under government remit on an Excel that I knocked up in a few hours. And I will not be around forever.
Similar story on just about every system we buy - access control programs that can't produce a list of who's on site or query in a decent format, visitor management programs that can't produce a list of visitors in a printed format, and so on, etc.