Welcome to Windows Phone all over again....
Linux already has a complete set of ARM native applications, including a fully functional office suite, multiple browsers and creativity apps one needs for basic work. It’s hard to find common packages in the repositories for Debian (for example) which aren’t already available for the architecture out of the box. Tens of thousands of applications.
macOS is about to drop its first ARM-native release with a complete set of applications automatically ported from iOS and a number of key partnerships to ensure rapid delivery of Adobe Creative Cloud, iWork suite, Safari, iMovie, Logic Pro etc. It will have more mainstream modern applications available than Windows offers today in the Microsoft Store even counting x86.
What does Microsoft have ready for their ARM port? Bugger all. Given the quality of their store, will they ever be ready? I doubt it. A hypothetical Raspberry Pi 5 on Linux will still provide a better functioning device than any ARM box shipping with Windows. If manufacturers ship this crap, maybe that’s when we will see The Year of The Linux Desktop.