mea culpa - always check compatibility
Not 'long long ago and far far away' but in fact in the last few days, I have a very old 7" tablet I use as an ebook reader. It was very cheap and I keep using it because if it ever breaks it is not the end of the world and I can grab something newer to replace it. But I am in IT so...
I couldn't connect it to the PC to upload any more books and nor could I connect over Wi-fi, Hmmm... Tried everything but eventually went for Factory reset
Went through startup config but failed activation phase - waited a couple of hours and 'as if by magic' now OK
Plug it back into PC - Still no joy. About to bin it but then had a flash of inspiration, grab the Win7 laptop which is in the cupboard because I had dropped it and fractured the display (but it still works so why throw it away?). Connect external monitor, connect the tablet and Bingo...Tablet doesn't like Win10 (mark of quality I would say)
So, upload all those books then....except the tablet has been out of support for a while and the App I used is no longer available although some similar ones are there and are Free
New Apps only take .epub version and my books are mostly .mobi - That-s OK, I have the books on a linux laptop which also has a format converter - and also has a dodgy power connector (yes, I dropped that one sue me, at least I had a few replacement power blocks). Begin the process and leave it to it's stuff
Come back to linux laptop to find the battery flat and the power connector has gone from iffy to dead, it was both the power brick connector and the laptop power connector that had been damaged when it fell - Grab the Port replicator to charge it that way, Ah no key but I can disassemble the port replicator to remove the lock so I can dock the laptop - battery charging but even after 2 hours laptop will not start either docked or undocked
Remove disc and connect using SATA to USB adaptor and discover Windows does not like disc format
Go back to original store of files, download converter, run conversion, upload files and discover that the Apps are actually not worth the money paid as once you start reading a book you can only select a new book by closing the App
Work out how much time I have spent and tech I have used/killed in the process of trying to keep a 8 year old £20 refurbed tablet going instead of accepting it had reached EOL and bought something from this decade