5G is not 5G is not 5G
Interesting article and experiment.
So, for those who think 5G means low latency, high bandwidth and mobility:
Geostationary 5G is not going to deliver low latency (speed of light constraint given the distance to the satellite).
High bandwidth - perhaps, but not using NB-IoT - the clue is in the NB (narrow bandwidth).
Had a quick look and cannot see any photos of the 'standard NB-IoT device' which has been connected. The cynic in me thinks that while the NB-IoT chip may be standard, there will need to be a parabolic dish of reasonable size to send/receive the signal. Mobility - limited.
Finally, I also have a sneaking suspicion that the power consumption of the overall device will be far greater than what would be practical for a mobile device.
To be clear, I think this is a great achievement and will further standards development and may lead to sensible services over time (but not tomorrow)...