Re: We don't need no education
"You seem to have a lot of resentment in you. And that's something you need to sort out for yourself. I've pointed out the irrational nature of your comments. That's all anyone can do."
Thank you, Dr Psychobabble, your efforts to help sort me out are greatly appreciated.
Let's check the irrationality:
James12345: "State schools overestimate (predicted grades) by one or two grades."
Terry6: "We need to scotch that one. The grades submitted for the exam substitute were far more carefully applied, checked and moderated by schools than normal ones. They weren't just the usual teacher assessment."
James12345: "So is your argument that teachers know they can usually get away doing a shit job, but this time made a bit of an effort?"
Terry6: "teacher assessments don't and can't take into account the differences between working in a classroom and sitting in an exam room."
James12345: "if the teacher doesn't actually bother to understand how the kids they teach react to exam conditions, they will just base predictions on the level of work the kids produce in the classroom - that might well be why they are generally poor at predicting actual results."
Terry6: "In what way could teachers modify their assessments of the kids to replicate the negative effects of exam conditions?"
Oh, I don't know, maybe the most irrational way would be to compare how they do in school exams vs how they do in class?
As I'm just a resentful, irrational conspiracy theorist, who had (or maybe gave) a bad education, please keep dishing out the "insults" when you can't put forward any proper counterpoints.