Wifi generations
I'm sincerely conflicted here. On one side we have Zaminski's law(*) and good, fast, cheap; pick two.... When we reach wifi version 7, will it a) be able to read my email or b) be very good and fast so that it is too expensive? Maybe I'm just missing the AI angle(**), which makes the standard evolve in a natural way to adapt to the environment it is used in. Then it surely will be able to read email and be horribly priced.
Transmitting analog signals has been very stable (radio/TV) for a long time. In the digital age, we are "fixing" the transmission/encodings every few years. What a waste of resources we are creating. Maybe we should take a break and let practicalities prevail over shiny-shiny-new-new hypes every few years?
(*) Yes, yes, its about software, but wifi is 95% software on top of not too complex hardware (relatively speaking).
(**) AI probably planned for wifi version 8 or 9, maybe, when the market droids can see a profit?