"digital services [..] consumed within it deserve to be taxed"
The ball is rolling. Multinational corporations are going to have to bow to the inevitable some day.
They will pay taxes.
Indonesia has found more tech companies willing to become collectors of the nation’s 10 percent digital services tax. The nation’s Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (aka the Directorate General of Taxes) has announced that the following ten entities have agreed to embed the tax in the price of their services and to remit funds …
However, I suspect that some of the usual suspects will go wailing (ok lobbying with fistfuls of $$$$) to POTUS in the hope of starting a trade war with each and every country that impliments such a tax.
A trade war with some place that most Americans could not find on the map will ensure he gets another (and another and another after bypassing the constitution...) term emptying 'the swamp' and making the USA a 4th world country in the process.
That implies to me that it is like a sales/VAT tax that's added to the sales price and collected by the seller to be passed to the government.
I like how the article says these companies are "willing" to collect it, as though they have a choice. Can't opt out of that anymore than a company could tell the UK they aren't going to collect/pay VAT any longer.