back to article You had one job... Just two lines of code, and now the customer's Inventory Master File has bitten the biscuit

How's August working out for you? Why not take a moment out of your private staycation for another tale of cockuppery from the depths of The Register's Who, Me? vault. Today's catastrophic coding comes from a reader we will call "Ed", for that is most definitely not his name, and takes us to Canada in the late 1970s. Ed …

  1. ColinPa Silver badge

    Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

    This is going back 30+ years when 1MB was a large machine.

    Someone added a comment to some code, compiled it successfully, and submitted it to be integrated. This compile failed with a syntax error. Because it "broke the build" there was an investigation.

    The team leader spoke to the junior programmer and stressed the need to compile before integrating. "I did compile it" said the trog*. Team leader said "ok we'll compile it again and show it fails" "oh it works - hey Charlie... here's an interesting problem..." and so on up the chain"

    It turns out that when the original program was compiled, the source would fit in memory. When the comment was added, it was too large for memory, and so used "the spill file". This had a bug where it missed a byte when reading from the spill file - and put a garbage byte in the line.

    * trog - troglodyte: in pre-historic times, someone who lived in a cave.

    1. Mongrel

      Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

      So one of the few times "Well, it worked on my machine" was valid...

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        Few times? Back in the day, that was quite common. As you would expect when each machine was essentially a hand-built, one-off prototype.

        1. Alan Brown Silver badge

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          "Back in the day, that was quite common"

          In this day, it still is

          "It works for me" is not a valid reason to ever close a fault (and a good reason to fire support staff who use this one)

          The correct response is "I can't replicate your fault, please demonstrate what you're doing so we can observe the issue" - and then close it 14 days after they fail to respond.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

            I was talking about actual computer users, not TheGreatUnwashed mindlessly smearing their interfaces ... But you are quite correct, of course.

            Have a beer on me, Alan.

      2. MrXavia

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        It is still valid when you're local machine isn't identical to the server, and don't tell me to use docker, because I do, and had a similar issue with code on a docker instance working locally, but deployed to the cloud it broke.

    2. Wyrdness

      Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

      There's a well known quote that says:

      "There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors."

      1. Eclectic Man Silver badge

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        off-by-one errors:

        When Scottish independence was being even more hotly debated than it is now, I wanted to find out how many Scottish members there were in the House of Lords*.

        I went to the Government web site, asked for a list of peers, and was rewarded with the response:

        "Found, 781 of 780"

        *The House of Lords is an anachronistic legislative chamber peculiar to the (currently) United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth which contains some wise and venerable people selected for their great knowledge and ability, but mostly politicians who did so well in public life that they had to be removed from the House of Commons (The elected body) to where they could cause less damage, plus some actual hereditary peers (who get to stay there by being voted in by other hereditary peers), and of course senior public servants like old civil servants (whose devotion to a political master was so great it needed / deserved reward), former top police officers and chiefs of the general staff, and Norman Tebbit, Jeffrey Archer, and Andrew Lloyd-Webber.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. Eclectic Man Silver badge

            Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

            Let us hope that Sir Ian can do better than the current Lord Lea:


            "Peer Breaks Code Of Conduct Rules While Taking Code Of Conduct Training

            Lord Lea of Crondall found guilty of "bullying" while meeting guest brought into give him "behaviour change coaching"."

            Honestly I did not make that up, serendipitous timing.

            1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

              Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

              Maybe they should ask (Baroness) Floella Benjamin for a lesson in how to count?

              Along with perhaps Big Ted, Little Ted et al...

              1. jake Silver badge

                Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

                Here in the United States[0], we would ask Count von Count.

                This distraction brought to you by the number 4 and the letter F.

                [0] And a few other places.

                1. BenDwire Silver badge

                  Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

                  Ah! Ah! Ahhhh!

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          House of Lords

          Don't forget the bishops that get to sit there. Their ability to fervently believe in things that don't exist apparently makes them eminently eligible for passing legislation.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

            But you have got to believe in the right version of the correct thing that doesn't exist, There are no Catholic Bishops in the Lords and no Imans or Rabbi's are appointed to represent their faiths. I personally would like half a dozen Jedi's promoted to the Lords

            1. markr555

              Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

              I can't believe that David Bowie's wife isn't in there!

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

              "I personally would like half a dozen Jedi's promoted to the Lords"

              Parliament did a 'reverse Anikin'. They recognize Jedi masters, but do not grant them a seat on the Council.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: believe in things that don't exist

            Seems to be a requirement of higher office in the USA lately.

        3. SImon Hobson Silver badge

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          The House of Lords is an anachronistic legislative chamber ...

          Here I beg to differ with you. While you are correct that the new entries appear to show a certain amount of "thanks for your previous help, here's a place in the Lords in return" - or just "promoting people to somewhere they can't do any harm" - the House of Lords is an important part of our system.

          If you look across the pond, you see that their upper house which is elected seems to have all the same faults that other elected houses seem to have. Most notably, a tendency to think about what is most likely to get you re-elected next time round rather than what is best for the country long term. BY having a non-elected house, they don't have that distraction and so have the luxury of long term thinking.

          Their ability to actually create law is very limited, in fact I don''t think they can. All they can do is amend the output of the lower house and send it back. But because they don't have to worry about re-election, they can challenge (and in extreme, I believe they can block it) bad law proposed by the lower house who are looking at the next election. That is why Tony B Liar put so much effort into dismantling the Lords - as punishment for reigning in some of his worst megalomaniac tendencies.

          The fact that each side rewards it's favoured ones with seats in the Lords does mean that overall they stay relatively balanced - we certainly don't have the wild swings that elected systems have. For example, we don't see the farce the other side of the pond have when one house is Democrat and the other is Republican - and no laws can get passed because the upper house will reject everything the lower house proposes "just because party lines".

          As the old saying goes, what we have is far from perfect, it's just less imperfect than the alternatives.

          1. David Hicklin Silver badge

            Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

            The House of Lords is an anachronistic legislative chamber .. Their ability to actually create law is very limited, in fact I don''t think they can.

            Parliamentary Bills can originate in either house and the Lords can delay but not block Parliament bills:


          2. DanceMan

            Re: The House of Lords

            @ Simon Hobson

            Agree completely. In Canada there was a movement among Conservatives to elect our presently appointed Senate. As with many ideas of the right imported from down south and unable to learn from history, this does not work. The US Senate was originally appointed and only later elected. It is now the area of gov't where lobbyists have their greatest impact. And in a rapidly changing world it's an impediment to gov't being able to move quickly and react to that change.

            1. Precordial thump Silver badge

              Re: The House of Lords

              Should have imported your senate model from much further south, then.

              Australian senators are elected from each of the states by proportional representation, six (sometimes twelve, it gets silly, don't ask...) of them elected each time around, for twice as long as the ones in the green house. Anyone who can muster about 15% of one state gets a seat.

              Practical upshot is that it's exceedingly rare for any of the two dominant groupings to get an absolute majority, and compromise becomes a necessity. Sometimes it's with centrists, sometimes with fringe nut-jobs (witness the Motoring Enthusiasts Party), but unless an idea has consensus appeal, it's likely to be voted down.

              Listening to leaders of a megalomaniac tendency (e.g. the one with the Italian suits, or the one with the eyebrows) rail against brutal reality has at least the entertainment value of watching a toddler throwing rubber toys out of the playpen, and for much the same reason.

              1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

                Re: The House of Lords

                You forget the Sex Party (now sadly renamed). They deserve at least a (dis)honourable mention :-)

      2. Trollslayer

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        AKA the Plus One Bug.

        1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          Bringing it ever so slightly more up-to-date

          int store [256];





          store [256] = // oops

          1. Soruk

            Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

            Back in the day, some BASICs were zero-based, so DIM a(10) had subscripts that went from 0 to 9, others went from 1 to 10. As an aid to portability, BBC BASIC went full Spinal Tap and the above statement allowed subscripts 0 to 10, thus allowing 11 members.

            1. C R Mudgeon

              Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

              Then there was B (C's direct predecessor language), in which "auto a[10]" gave you a[0] through a[10] inclusive, i.e. "auto a[N]" allocated N+1 words.

              ("auto" because typeless. "Word" was the only type there was.)

            2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

              Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

              "BBC BASIC went full Spinal Tap and the above statement allowed subscripts 0 to 10, thus allowing 11 members."

              In terms of home/micro computers, that was pretty standard with BASIC arrays already. Both TRS-80 and Commodore PET, at least, did that.

        2. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          Also known as the Obi-Wan error:

      3. Blackjack Silver badge

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        This was done in BASIC, one of the easiest programing languages to read and understand. This is why PRINT was a life saver, but this guy didn't bother to print the new code and read it for just two lines, uh?

        Had it been a decade later, it would have been quite easy to read the code in a computer screen?

        But in the seventies?

        PRINT and then bill the customer for the ink and paper.

    3. Andy Non Silver badge

      Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

      Reminds me of the IBM 360 in my uni back in the 80's that kept crashing. Frustratingly coinciding with every time I tried to compile my COBOL program. Turned out there was a a critical full stop missing from my program and a bug in the compiler that couldn't handle this particular coding scenario and crashed the computer. Oops.

      1. UCAP Silver badge

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        Faults like that could be beneficial to students as well.

        My first year at university coincided with the introduction of a nice,shiny new Harris H500 super-minicomputer that the CompSci dept used for its undergraduates. It almost worked fine, just some minor little problems with the OS that meant that it Harris completely re-wrote it and installed the new OS (with a name change) over the following summer break, but I digress. Another nearby university also had purchased a Harris super-minicomputer, but this was a H1000 - the big boy of the range. However it kept on crashing just before course work had to be submitted, and it took the operators some while to work out why. It turned out that students had discovered that submitting a JCL command that added three variables and stored the result in a fourth variable (i.e. "A = B + C + D") crashed the OS.

        Sadly it was only the big machine that had this fault; our smaller system didn't :-(

      2. David Robinson 1

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        An unexpected period or missed period can ruin your day, as most women know.

        1. Dave_uk

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          interesting - even spread of up and down votes! Do we have an even number of men to women?

          1. gotes

            Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

            Or an even number of children to adults?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

              You smell of pee-pee.

            2. J. Cook Silver badge

              Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

              Maturity- I've heard of it.

              "Growing old is mandatory; Growing up is optional."

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

                Adult to child: "do you want to grow up and become a computer programmer?"

                Child: (nods)

                Adult: "well, you realize you'll have to make a choice."

      3. TeeCee Gold badge

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        I remember one of colleagues submitting a compile to batch and sitting back to read the paper while it happened.

        The he went "Oh Shit!" and dived for his keyboard. He'd forgotten to make one important tweak and figured he could get the source updated before the compile happened to save himself half an hour (yes, it took that long).

        What I reckon happened next is that with impeccable timing he got the source updated smack between the initial compile to deck and the optimisation phase so, when it referred back to the source, things didn't match.

        Only time I ever saw an entire IBM System/38 crash like that, those things were bulletproof. He insisted that it was a coincidence and I know correlation is not causation, but...

      4. Paul Shirley

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        You reminded me of the brain dead Pascal compiler on the university mainframe that reacted to missing or wrong punctuation by throwing multiple errors for each line of the rest of the file... on the printed job report. 1 mistyped char in 100 lines could cause 1000's of lines of error and a quick dash between the shared printer and console to kill compiles to unblock the queue.

        1. Black Betty

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          Long, long time ago, way back when, our CS lecturer managed 5 very basic errors in 5 lines of code. (mismatched brackets, missing semicolons, wrong variable name) We took great delight in pointing them out one by one and watching her read through the corrections without spotting the next one. Ended with her calling us smart arses and telling us to "F*ck off" and work on our assignments.

        2. Kobus Botes
          Paris Hilton

          Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

          @Paul Shirley

          " throwing multiple errors for each line..."

          The PL/1 compiler on the Univac 1100 we used at university in the early eighties did that too. Although I suspect that it had a time or page limit, as it would stop after probably 100 fanfold pages (I used to have lots of scrap paper for mocking up my flowcharts and writing code - in fact, I still have a couple of those in amongst stuff I kept for some reason, but which will be finally get thrown away once I start clearing the shed).

          Icon for "Why did I keep it again?

      5. G.Y.

        test Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        During test time, we made sure our compiler (long ago) could eat .OBJ files for breakfast, never throw up, just complain a lot about bad PL/M syntax

    4. big_D Silver badge

      Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

      I remember working on a McDonnel Douglas mini at Freddie Laker's airline. They had 64KB pages and code and data had to fit into a page. Every change to a program had to be carefully calculated as to whether it would still fit in the 64KB page with its data records.

      1. anothercynic Silver badge

        Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

        This explains *so* many things... McDonnell-Douglas... at it then, and at it now (at Boeing).

    5. swm

      Re: Adding a comment sometimes caused compile failure

      When I was teaching computer science a student couldn't compile a C++ program - it kept getting weird compiler error messages. The TAs etc. couldn't figure out what was wrong.

      I looked at the program and the program was something like:

      switch(c) {

      case '/' //handle /


      case '\' // handle \


      case '-' // handle -


      case '|' // handle |




      Well a '\' at the end of a line is deleted along with the following new line before the compiler sees the code so this effectively commented out the next line of the program.

  2. werdsmith Silver badge

    SQL interpreters should have an option to disable any adhoc sql update or delete statement without a where clause.

    1. aje21

      where 1=1

      1. b0llchit Silver badge

        Warning 911666: Programmer tried to circumvent other programmer's stupidity filter. Conditional statement will evaluate to False for our security and your convenience.

      2. werdsmith Silver badge

        where 1=1

        Of course, but a person has to be thinking about a where clause to write a where clause.

        To often people are thinking only about the columns that they want to change and not about the the other millions of rows.

        1. codejunky Silver badge


          I always write a select statement first, then wrap the update in a transaction. if the rows affected != the select row count something went wrong!

          1. Captain Scarlet

            Re: @werdsmith

            Yup, however I always dump the table and records I am about to changed into two seperate tables for extra security (As even if my update works and seems to update the correct amount of records, typos do occur)

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @werdsmith

            I always write a select statement first, then wrap the update in a transaction

            Yes, BEGIN TRAN has saved my arse more times than I care to admit.

            Though there was the time when someone (a friend, of course) forgot to COMMIT TRAN which left a lock on the database, and they didn't realise till alerts started coming in because the application servers couldn't do DB updates so weren't responding to requests. Oops!

            Since then yours truly my friend always does a second COMMIT before closing the DB session in case the first one was forgotton...

            1. J. Cook Silver badge

              Re: @werdsmith

              Backing up the database before upgrades or major updates is also a good technique/habit as well. It's saved our bacon a couple times at [RedactedCo] when the vendor ran an update to their software which included a database update, and then found that our specific instance of their software install broke their update, which required a rollback.

              1. J. Cook Silver badge

                Re: @werdsmith

                And also in this day and age of virtual machines, taking a snapshot of the VM has also done the same thing. (just the app server, not the database server, which, if it's a shared database server, would cause far more problems...)

                1. PM from Hell

                  Re: @werdsmith

                  Taking a snapshot of the VM is often not a valid way of backing up a database as several dev's I have worked with have found out.

                  If you want to secure a database use the database vendor or 3rd party tools to do the back up. If you are only working on a single table, copy it.

                  If you a re working on a key table then FFS get some dedicated time for the change, perform it on a database copy first and the perform the change in production when the database is not being updated. Its not just your updates you have to worry about. I implement systems with 1000's of active concurrent users. Its a major pain negotiating a downtime window but that's much so than trying to unpick the results of a data maintenance update that went wrong when 100'000's of other updates were taking place.

                  Last time I implemented a SQL Server based application shadow copying/ snapshotting was not supported by microsoft as a way of backing up an active database.

            2. Hero Protagonist

              Re: @werdsmith

              “ Since then yours truly my friend always does a second COMMIT before closing the DB sessIon in case the first one was forgotton...“

              But what if you forget to do the second one too? Best to do a third COMMIT just in case, etc.

              It’s COMMITs all the way down...

              1. jake Silver badge

                Re: @werdsmith

                It's a long tradition ... One friend of mine used to use the line:

                # sync; sync; halt

                Clearly unclear on the concept :-)

                1. John Riddoch

                  Re: @werdsmith

                  There was something odd in some old versions of Unix where the first sync didn't actually do anything immediately, it would sync when it could be bothered. The second sync forced the issue.

                  Digging around some olde searches, found this reference:

                  Evi Nemeth's sysadmin book sez:

                  sync; sync; halt

                  ... the reason being that when the first sync returns, buffers

                  have been scheduled to be written, but aren't actually guaranteed

                  to have been written. The second sync (however) won't start

                  until the first completes.

                  There also seems to be some discussion about running it again giving the kernel time to flush to slower disks too. In any case, it's a legacy thing, but I suspect some old timers still do it out of habit.

                  1. jake Silver badge

                    Re: @werdsmith

                    As dmr put it (on a.f.c, dated 05/12/99): "If you actually typed "sync; sync; halt" then I can see the possible timing issue. However, if you were told to type "sync" and then do it again, this had to do with giving you a chance to ponder whether you remembered to do it at all the first time. Dennis"

                    People used to type sync<ret> sync<ret> halt<ret> to shut down the system; The second sync was there "just in case" because the first one didn't seem to actually do anything. Kind of a cargo-cult variation on sysadmining. My friend put them all on one line, separated by the ";" end of command character ... which, as dmr rightly pointed out, could indeed cause timing issues if the first sync hadn't finished before the second one started up. Thus my "unclear on the concept" comment.

                    While I still know a few folks who use sync<ret> sync<ret> halt<ret> to shut down the system, I don't really recommend it. This is all legacy stuff now. Instead I suggest shutting down your system according to the instructions of the maintainers.

                    Has it really been over 7 years since Evi went missing? Where does the time go? ... RIP, lady. You are still missed by many.

                    1. C R Mudgeon

                      Re: @werdsmith

                      > People used to type sync<ret> sync<ret> halt<ret> to shut down the system;


                      sync # Then wait for the system to go visibly quiescent

                      sync # Wait likewise


                      > Kind of a cargo-cult variation on sysadmining.

                      It was an attempt to get a clean shutdown on a system that provided no way to guarantee one, because sync(8) wasn't itself synchronous. On some systems it still isn't.

                      Linux's sync(2) man page sums up the situation there: "According to the standard specification (e.g., POSIX.1-2001), sync() schedules the writes, but may return before the actual writing is done. However, since version 1.3.20 Linux does actually wait. (This still does not guarantee data integrity: modern disks have large caches.)"

                  2. Yes Me Silver badge

                    Re: @werdsmith

                    Sad. Seven years since Evi disappeared in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and still she is a source of enlightenment.

      3. big_D Silver badge

        Interestingly, my boss uses WHERE/IF 1=0 AND... when he has to disable a conditional statement, so that it never runs. Instead of removing it or commenting it out, it is just set to always fail "in case we ever need it again".

        1. Someone Else Silver badge

          Ain't YAGNI code grand?

        2. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

          Ah yes, bosses who have never heard of source control history, so think littering the codebase with dead code that shows up in code searches is a grand idea.

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        WHERE 1=1

        You know, actually this very condition is embedded into many of the constructed queries for the application I have to work with.

        Only because the query builder just blindly concatenates the SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE ... with the conditions prepended with AND, no matter if there are any to add or not.

        SELECT foo FROM bar AND foo=1; --not valid without WHERE

        SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE; --not valid if no conditions

        SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE 1=1; --valid

        SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE 1=1 AND foo=1; --also valid


    2. Nick Ryan

      The example here definitely wasn't SQL.

      However yes, such an option would make things slightly safer when writing ad-hoc SQL data changing statements. I am in the habit of typing out the where clause first, then the lines that do the update or delete. I practice paranoia for good reasons...

      1. werdsmith Silver badge

        The example here definitely wasn't SQL.

        And the STFO award is won.

        But yes, the better way to do it is to create a select to make sure the correct information comes back and then convert it to a change. But may devs know better than this and they know you have a backup so they don't care.

  3. aje21

    Did it still do the dump?

    Just wondering because if all he did was add the lines to set the value to zero and write back the record, there should be a copy of the pre-update data in the dump file. Possibly not a lot of help, but sometimes you are blessed and have a "last updated" date/time on the record which can be used to find any updates made since the backup...

    Of course, this is back when every byte counted so adding "helpful" attributes which were rarely used was considered wasteful.

  4. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 10 format c: /y

      Haven't written an autoexec.bat file in this millennium but if my aged brain is correct then you won't get very far on your quest to the pub. DOS batch files didn't use line numbers. All you are likely to get is two "Command not found" errors for "10" and "20".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 10 format c: /y

        They did have labels and a GOTO command though, so it'd still be possible to code that loop.

        1. Captain Scarlet

          Re: 10 format c: /y

          Assuming Windows batch just missing a :


          format c: /y


          goto 10

          1. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

            Re: 10 format c: /y

            its unlikely there'd be an autoexec.bat after line 10.

            and it wouldnt just stay in memory and cycle , cmd files do weird shit if you change their code while theyre running ive noticed

            1. Kubla Cant

              Re: 10 format c: /y

              cmd files do weird shit if you change their code while theyre running

              It's a long time since I had to do this, but you used to be able to change stuff as long as it was past the command currently being executed, as cmd just read the file sequentially.

            2. Captain Scarlet

              Re: 10 format c: /y

              In this case its just a label rather than actually being line 10

              SS64 has a good example

  5. EVP

    Trivial Biscuits

    Brittany Biscuits... mmmm! I was hoping that Brittany Biscuits means something lewd in canadian, but the story wasn’t that juicy after all.

    Anyway, it shows once again that there is no such thing as trivial change!

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Trivial Biscuits

      Should have used Larsen's Biscuits. Probably would have brought a smile to the face of many a bitter admin this Monday morning ...

    2. Spanners

      Re: Trivial Biscuits

      The only biscuit story ending is

      "If you give him a biscuit, he'll let you!"

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Trivial Biscuits

        Obviously not a cricket fan

        Glenn McGrath (AUS bowler) v Eddo Brandes (Zimbabwean batsman)*

        McGrath: Why are you so fat?

        Brando: Because every time I make love** to your wife, she gives me a biscuit!

        *Amongst various attributions

        ** You can be sure he didn't say make love

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    When DB stands for "Damn and Blast"

    I worked for a company who had a similar tale where we ran a competition for a client. The Developer who wrote the competition accidentally forgot to remove a line of test code when the site was deployed live. The result was that at the end of the competition there were some 50,000-odd entries - all with the exact same name and email address. The test code had basically copied the first line of the DB into every entry when a submission was received.

    Now - under normal circumstances, you could have covered this issue up because you could have just said - OK then, that first guy/gal wins the prize.

    Problem was - there were 5 prizes...

    I believe they extended the competition deadline by a couple of days, so if you entered after the deadline, you stood a much better chance of winning.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mainframe systems often used hierarchical rather than relational databases. Each database had it's own API. SQL was not commonplace.

    The data was generally stored in flat files, and the DBMS, was so slow that it was totally impractical to use it if you needed to process every record in a large table.

    For speed and efficiency, it was common practice to reverse-engineer the structure of the database files and edit them directly from your application rather than use the DBMS. Not just in the 1970's either. I was working on banking systems that did that right up to Y2K.

    1. IT's getting kinda boring

      Ahh, Back in the days when the only way to recover dead space from the database was to write the data out to a mag tape then read/write it back into the database again....

      Damn, I feel old.

    2. Admiral Grace Hopper

      And if the mainframe you were using did support a relational database, the licensing costs where often so high that it was cheaper, even including the womanhours spent writing it, to implement a relational database on top of the hierarchical database that you'd already paid for. That was a fun project.

  8. pop_corn

    Defensive Coding

    Back when I was a coal face programmer, coming from a VB background, I got caught out by this C error 1 time too many:

    if (a = 1) {

    // Bug: code here always executed irrespective of 'a'


    Of course the first line should be: if (a == 1) {

    Before compilers cottoned on this common mistake and issued a warning, I started reversing the variable and constant, so:

    if (1 == a) {

    because if I accidentally used a single = the compiler would catch it.

    Oddly I never convinced any other code to follow suit. They just didn't like it.

    1. werdsmith Silver badge

      Re: Defensive Coding

      Just last night I was getting equality and assignment operators the wrong way round. That's after decades of using them.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Defensive Coding

        Saturday night? You probably needed either one more, or one fewer beer ... Either way, it was clearly an off by one error.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Defensive Coding

      I understand the reasoning behind reversing the operands, I just don't like it. It doesn't scan well in my head.

      In any code base I touch these days (usually C++) the "assignment in conditional expression" warning is promoted to an error.

      And just don't get me started on the if( type variable = expression; variable ) syntax of C++ these days. I'm feeling nauseous just thinking about it.

      1. RichardBarrell

        Re: Defensive Coding

        "-Wall -Wextra -Werror" and then test it under valgrind ;)

        (or these days, "-fsanitize=address" does about the same but faster)

      2. C R Mudgeon

        Re: Defensive Coding

        Indeed. The problem is, I think, that while "==" is commutative mathematically, psychologically it kind of isn't. Its left operand is the unknown quantity I'm testing; the right one is the known quantity I'm testing it against. Thus, "if (1 == x)" reads as though I'm inquiring into the value of 1.

        The same is true for inequality operators, by the way: I'd never write "if (5 > x)". Then again, there'd never be a reason to do that. "==" is the only one of C's six relationals that has any reason at all to be reversed -- and at that, only when exactly one of its operands is an lvalue.

    3. Nick Ryan

      Re: Defensive Coding

      Many years ago I had to use a vendor provided custom language for application development... I've manged to erase the name from my mind, but it ran on VAX VMS systems...

      The interpreter didn't cache values, it was all immediate by reference therefore there was a distict difference between the two statements:

      A = A + 1


      A = 1 + A

      The first would operate as expected, therefore starting with A assigned the value of 5, after the statement A would have the value of 6.

      The second, on the other hand, would assign 1 to the A and then add A to itself, always producing the result 2 no matter the starting value.

      In reality what the first statement did was to assign the value of A to A and then add 1 to this afterwards. Slightly inefficient but it worked.

      That was not an amusing "bug" to track down and find. Erm, "feature", that's it, definitely a feature and absolutely not a bug. We weren't sure what to call it then, it caused a bug in the application but was it a bug in the interpreter? It wasn't operating as expected in line with other environments.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Defensive Coding

        Definitely a compiler/interpreter bug. Which of course means the application has bugs too.

      2. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Defensive Coding

        I've manged to erase the name from my mind, but it ran on VAX VMS systems...

        Likely that would make it either DIBOL or MUMPS. My money is on the latter.

        But not very much money, because that was a flippin' long time ago....

      3. pop_corn

        Re: Defensive Coding

        > "The interpreter didn't cache values, it was all immediate by reference therefore there was a distict difference between the two statements:"

        That's a shocker! And people wonder why programming is a lot harder than it should be.

        I gave up coding when I realised I was still solving the same problems that I had started my career fixing 20 years earlier, e.g. writing a UK formatted date to a database, and reading it back later only for it come out in US format!

        Even this very week I've come across the same issue using SharePoint. *facepalm*

        1. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

          Re: Defensive Coding

          There is such a nice bug in powershell/wmi still true today... Run

          Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering -ComputerName $Computername

          If you get the latest windows updates installed you see that some updates have no date listed when they were installed - and others are actually wrong.

          There is a bug where the query returns Day/Month/Year value, but the expects US Month/Day/Year (or the other way around, cannot remember), so anything installed after the 12th in a month would have no

          t date listed. Which then was my hint why my script for checking when the last updated was installed didn't show the values I was expecting: How can an update be installed on 6th of December when we have 12th of June?

          This query works fine locally though, since it uses the local country setting, it only fails when querying a remote computer. Luckily it can be fixed, I reordered the date string to be "yyyy-MM-dd" before re-feeding it into get-date, which leaves no room for confusion.

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

    5. Kubla Cant

      Re: Defensive Coding

      AKA Yoda Conditions. I worked in a place where they were mandated, despite the fact that "if (a = 1)" causes an error in Java.

      1. markr555

        Re: Defensive Coding

        They are still very useful in java, as if (literalSting.equals(nullRef) is far more preferable to if NullRef.equals(literalString) - try it and see...

    6. Bill Gray

      Re: Defensive Coding

      Thank you. I've been coding in C and C++ for over 30 years. It's been rare for me to see that ordering, and when I did, I wondered why it was "reversed". But I see your point; it does make the difference between assignment and comparison clear. Only failure I see is for 'if( a == b)", where it can be a mis-assignment even when reversed... but most of the time, it'd let you catch mistakes.

      1. pop_corn

        Re: Defensive Coding

        Thanks for saying that Bill, my work here is done. :D

  9. herman Silver badge

    More RAM - program fails

    I had a case where adding RAM to a computer made the compiled code fail, due to extra compiler optimization that was done when more RAM was available.

    1. Nick Ryan

      Re: More RAM - program fails

      Ouch, that's harsh!

      I thought it was bad enough when Windows volumes went past what the number of bytes that could be represented in a signed 32 bit integer. As a result many applications failed to install on larger drives if the amount of disk space remaining wrapped round in the negative values of a signed 32 bit number. What was particularly annoying is that this affected multiples of the is value therefore having 5GB free was OK, but having 3GB was not because that was returned as a negative number of bytes. Something like that anyway... it was a long time ago...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: More RAM - program fails

        I've encountered that problem. The usual solution is to drop a 1GB dummy file on the drive and try again, repeating as necessary. After the installation succeeds, delete the dummy files.

        1. Nick Ryan

          Re: More RAM - program fails

          Yep, that was what we did.

  10. Kane

    How's August working out for you?

    August? I thought we were still in March! Is it not the 163rd March?

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: How's August working out for you?

      No. It's still September.

      Monday, Sep 9841 1993 to be precise.

      1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

        Re: How's August working out for you?

        Didn't you hear that Eternal September ended on January 25, 2005 (when AOL stopped Usenet access)?

        1. Francis Boyle


          it metastasized.

        2. jake Silver badge

          Re: How's August working out for you?

          Once the sewer pipe was opened, the resulting spill rusted out all the rest of the plumbing and there is no sweeping the worms back into the can behind the now bolted stable door.

          It's still September of '93.

  11. Eclectic Man Silver badge

    I once ...

    ... worked on a project where we had a database set up by two people (nameless to protect the guilty, as ever).

    Anyway, on my first use fo the database I accidentally entered some incorrect data in two fields. I couldn't find the 'undo edit' button, or the 'exit without saving button' to return to the original data, so sent the two an e-mail, along the lines of:

    "Hi, I was using the database and accidentally entered incorrect data in these two fields. Couldn't find a way to return to the original data, can you re-set, please?"

    But answer came there none.

    Then the database went 'down' for a couple of days, and came back up again.

    It seems that these two had set up data base access for everyone on a 100 person project, so that anyone could edit any field with the actual edit happening and being saved in real time, and no back-ups.

  12. Maichail


    I can remember a time when the hardware engineer pulled the wrong drive and trashed the raid 5 array. NT 3.51

    The restores did not work.

    This was one of my first roles in desktop\server support, and I spent the night rebuilding the server from scratch as the actual server guy went home. (The server guy was not our normal server guy who was on holiday). The data volumes were ok, it was just the OS volume that would fail to boot fully after the restore.

    I then spent some more time looking at the backups, and the actual problem was that the admins weren't removing the home drive shares when removing user accounts.

    This cause the netlogon process to take too long to start, which then caused the follow on services to fail to start.

    The server guy wasn't asked back again.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Backups

      always make sure you know what drive you're pulling in a RAID 5 set! Many a RAID set has been fecked pulling a good drive instead of the knackered one!

      1. Nick Ryan

        Re: Backups

        Yep, check once, check twice, then realise at the last moment that the fucking diagram in the management software was reversed compared to the physical rack of drives.... that was a close one when that happened.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. Nick Ryan

            Re: Backups

            That would have been a great plan, however with this amazingly designed array the serial numbers were only visible once the drive had been removed.

  13. Stuart Castle Silver badge

    Posted before, but..

    A few years ago, my boss wanted to open up some of our computers for people to use the internet. A sort of internet cafe, without the cafe part. As he didn't want people hogging the machines, he wanted some way to kick them off after a predetermined time..

    Being a keen c++ programmer at the time (still am really, just don't get time for it), and having recently found out how to write Windows Screen Savers )for another project, can't recall much about it though).

    So, I knocked up a screensaver that when instantiated, would do a forced shutdown and reboot.

    I should point out at this time that when you run the initiatesystemshutdown API on Windows with the Forced and reboot options set, windows will reboot the machine, and will not get you the option to save your work.

    I had the main screensaver working, and was working on the code to register it as the system screensaver, and, IIRC, a control panel applet to set some options.

    I had just run the install code to test if was setting the system screensaver correctly, and got called away to sort something out. I hadn't actually saved anything, and, as a result, when the screensaver kicked in, I lost everything.

    I didn't recreate it. I had always had reservations about doing it, particularly would we, as a department, be liable if an employee from another department did work on it (we had signs everywhere saying the machines were for general internet browsing only), and lost work as a result. My boss quietly abandoned the idea when I pointed that out to him.

    We do have a product installed now on some computers that does the same thing (just using it's own timing mechanism rather than installing itself as a screensaver). It wasn't my decision to install it, but at least the new one makes clear to the user what will happen, and when. As such, if a user users the computer, leaves it and loses work as a result, it's their responsibility, not ours.

  14. Anonymous Coward

    Now that C++ template metaprogramming has reached new heights of brain-fuckery, just imagine the articles like this in a decade's time. Not that anyone will understand either the original problem or its write-up; a missing period will seem wonderful.

  15. Chris Evans

    Who in there right mind would...

    Who in there right mind would mass edit a key database without making a backup. If it still has to accessible to be viewed lock it then copy it. Work on a third copy, test, swap back in. Doing it after hours would make it less disruptive.

    1. doublelayer Silver badge

      Re: Who in there right mind would...

      Usually, someone without a lot of extra space, such as someone on an old 1970s-era computer. I don't know what the disk situation was like on that, but I'm guessing it was not easy to find twice the disk space to make a backup of the database file and that, if you did, it would take quite a long time to make the copy. Now depending on the size of the file, it's possible they could have made an extra external backup onto other media, but that also might have taken a while. When faced with a situation so seemingly easy (a single SQL statement does it in modern times) with a backup requiring nontrivial effort, someone might trust their intuition for proper coding, which probably worked just fine the last hundred times. Then uh-oh.

  16. Craig 2

    I think this is where my spelling pedantry comes from: Looking at code with the knowledge that just a single misplaced character can wreak havoc. Even when it's not critical to conveying the message, spelling errors trigger me!

  17. Kubla Cant

    The perils of being helpful

    There was a time when I'd see a user laboriously working through a repetitive bulk update using a screen form and say "We can save you hours of work by doing that as a ${whatever} script".

    I've since learned to be more circumspect. If all goes well, you'll earn some gratitude, but you'll have to do it again every time. If the update turns out to be a lot more complicated than the user's explanation of it, you may be in for a long night. And if something goes wrong because you make a mistake, you'll carry the burden of guilt to your grave.

  18. Absolute Cynic

    Business BASIC

    Ah yes, I remember Business BASIC. My first job after college was at a company that used Business BASIC on Data Generals. I was horrified to find that their exception handling was to deliberately cause a divide by zero error.

    So a customer would ring up to say they had an arithmetic error at line XXXX. You had to pull out the printout of the program, work out how it got to that line, ask the customer to print out the values of involved variables and decide what the problem was. Then get the customer to reset some variable and issue a GOTO to get it restarted.

    How did they get away with it?

  19. rob_b31

    out by 1.

    1 word, 0

  20. Horridbloke

    We're too careful...

    At our place we've all been in the position of being asked by our PHB to apply an untested tweak to a critical live system. It happens approximately once per project. Those of us with an ounce of professionalism and self respect decline to do so, stating our reasons in writing.

    The PHB then works their down the chain until they find somebody who does what they're told. The live database or whatever is then destroyed, as per instructions. The rest of us then hear about the problem, recall the dodgy instruction we declined to carry out the previous day and see what can be done about recovery.

    My favourite was the utter disappearance of the data files for an Oracle instance. It turned out a couple of entries had been removed from /etc/fstab, because for reasons we never got to the bottom of the PHB wanted those entries removed from that file and didn't want backchat about it. At least that one was a quick recovery.

    1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

      Re: We're too careful...

      Seems like the correct solution is the removal of one entry in the HR records.

  21. sammy_mac

    Ah. I remember using a Nova 4 for X-Ray crystallography. The rack-mounted beast sported a whopping 10 MB hard drive with a replaceable platter and it had a teletype user interface. It got the job done, though the computer bit the dust a couple of years after I left. Those were the days: high voltage, radiation, and sleep deprivation.

  22. Slow Joe Crow

    I'm reminded of my ears days as SQL Server admin dealing with an in house application where the user management had neve been written so all adds and changes involved ad hoc SQL queries. I was asked to change a user's name and forgot to put a WHERE in the SQL update query, giving all 40 odd users the samw first name. Fortunately it was a lightly used system so I just restored the users table form the hourly backup.

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