Upgrade your masks
I notice that masks are becoming trendy designs, getting the 3 ply disposables mask is getting harder, not because they're in short supply, but because they're not what sells, so shops don't stock them. They sell the trendy designs instead.
But the 3 ply are better. That outer water repellent layer to repel droplets, the inner layer to absorb droplets, the middle filter layer. That is a better functional product, even if its less stylish.
Perhaps a simply star marking would help, 1 star, 2 start or 3 star for the level of protection on fashion masks to encourage better functional mask design.
Also a water repellent only type for water parks, pool parties and the like. I was at a water park/pool party thing a few days ago and got a cough and wheeze the next day I did not like. Cold and flu virus are so easy to transmit, it reminds you how easily Coronavirus rips through groups like that. I would like to have a mask while Covid is around, even at a water park. But that needs to be water repellent only and made so it does not disintegrate in water.
Also this, *does* work: