But what would the measure be...
...in deceased Norwegian blues?
No less a character than John Cleese himself has mounted a challenge to the supremacy of the Register Standards Soviet after the funny walks man suggested that he himself was an appropriate measure of social distancing. The Fawlty Towers star took to Twitter, as reported by our state broadcaster, after Torbay Council in Devon …
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Two shall be the metre count of social distancing, and the metre count of social distancing shall be two.
Three shalt thou not count, neither count thou one, excepting that thou then proceed to two.
Four is right out. Once the number two, being the second number, be reached, then thou art socially distance from thy foe, who, being safely distanced in My sight, shall maybe not snuff it.
on a technicality by 1970 the yard was officially linked to the metre so although feet may have been in more common place usage......................
The international yard and pound are two units of measurement that were the subject of an agreement among representatives of six nations signed on 1 July 1959, namely the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa. The agreement defined the yard as exactly 0.9144 meters and the pound as exactly 0.45359237 kilograms.
I prefer the Bohemian ear spoon, myself.
I really should be able to let this go, but I seem unable to... that episode of Blockbusters where Bob Holness asked "What S is a halberd, a partisan or a javelin?" The correct answer is 'shafted weapon', but they gave the correct answer as 'spear'... which is totally wrong because a 'spear' is specifically a weapon with a shaft which can be used in one hand for throwing or thrusting, and you wouldn't throw a halberd!
Sadly, here in Aberdeen, people couldn't understand how far one metre was (inside the pub), so we're in Lockdown again.
It's all well and good telling people to stay apart, but when they lack any spatial awareness at all, well, it's easier talking to the pigeons. (who just want to talk about political uprisings- coup, coup)
Really? That is odd. When I watch it, I find that the most jarring parts are the ones involving Manuel – not least in having an Austrian refugee play a clichéd Spaniard. I think most of the violence could be removed without affecting the show and perhaps fewer jokes solely based on the word "que". The best comedy is derived from Fawlty's misplaced arrogance and his resulting insecurity; holding a mirror up to our own most embarassing frailties.
But the Major was a stereotype of the time, being somewhat cruelly mocked. And let's face it people like Rees-Mogg seem to be doing a good job at making sure it doesn't disappear!
Though I'll need to calculate what 24 cans is in bottles or cider boxes
Here in British Columbia, Canada, there are life size cut-outs advising you to be one mountain lion body length, one golden eagle wingspan or one grizzly bear apart.
The number of covid cases is very low, but the deaths due to mountain lion grizzly bear and golden eagle are presumably rising
I believe the indoor social distancing measure is the “Cat Swinging Length”. If I there is enough room to swing a cat, then you are sufficiently far away.
However, as an animal lover, I recommend the use of an appropriate analog for a cat. I personally tape 20 sharp Stanley knives (other brands are available) to a toy Bagpuss and head off down the aisles of Tesco merrily swinging away.
I’ve only been arrested 4 times so far, and tasered twice.
In the U.S. state of Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has issued a executive order proclaiming that the Basil Fawlty shall be the officially recognized measure of social distancing. Although we did have to play a few episodes for her before she got with the program.
It would be useful if someone in the Politburo of the Register Standards Soviet could include the construction of an an App in the next Five Year Plan.
The app shall carry out all he conversion function of the web based page of information, and a Premium version could include linking to the mobile's onboard sensors to give immediate outputs in unit of choice. (exampe: if linked to your car systems, parking sensor warnings given in Osmans or Linguinie)
I release any profits arising from IP value of this idea to any El Reg fund for the next space project to follow up LOHAN.