back to article Singapore to give all incoming travelers wearable tracking device

Singapore will fit all incoming travelers with a wearable tracking device to prevent them from breaching their mandatory quarantine. Since March, all incoming travelers into Singapore have been required to quarantine for 14 days at either their chosen place of residence or at a dedicated facility. Returnees are then tested …

  1. Anonymous Coward

    2020 is when 1984 finally finished rolling out.

    1. aki009

      Thanks China!

      COVID-1984 in action.

  2. aki009

    Thoughts from Singapore...

    I'm currently enjoying the hospitality of an enforced 14 day hotel stay in Singapore, waiting for the quarantine period to expire. (Err, make that "Stay Home Notice" that is "served at a dedicated facility".)

    Note that this new tech *only* applies to those who are serving their "Stay Home Notice" at home instead of a dedicated facility. Currently they check location by having detainees -- err... stay homees -- ping back on their cell phones a few times a day, plus they make random visits.

    Sitting in a hotel room for 2 weeks upon entry to Singapore sucks beyond belief. *If* this wristband means that I could stay at home instead, I'm all for it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Thoughts from Singapore...

      @"Sitting in a hotel room for 2 weeks upon entry to Singapore sucks beyond belief. *If* this wristband means that I could stay at home instead, I'm all for it."

      Too high tech IMHO.

      The problem with being at home is its not an isolated facility from other people. Sure it says you're at home, but it doesn't mean others don't come visit. Deliveries don't arrive without a proper handover, family doesn't pop over to do the laundry etc.

      A device tracking some interactions (the people who carry their phone with the app running in the foregrond) isn't the same as NO interactions. You're aiming for the latter not the former.

      A guard on a quarantine facility will ensure you don't get visitors you shouldn't be getting, and can check you wear your mask during exercises outdoor.

      Sucks sure, but once you're past it, and clear, like Thailand, its great to have confidence the virus is gone.

      1. Kernel

        Re: Thoughts from Singapore...

        "A guard on a quarantine facility will ensure you don't get visitors you shouldn't be getting, and can check you wear your mask during exercises outdoor.

        Sucks sure, but once you're past it, and clear, like Thailand, its great to have confidence the virus is gone."

        Likewise in New Zealand - it's great being able to go to the pub again without worrying about how close someone else is sitting to you (because the few cases we do have are all in quarantine facilities). Well worth the cost and effort of ensuring incoming travellers stay in quarantine for 14 days.

        The ones that get a lot of people's backs up here are those that either break quarantine - expect little sympathy from public/police/judiciary - or, my personal favourites, those who have suddenly decided they want to come back to NZ after working overseas for many years and then start complaining how "it's so expensive living in NZ". I have a solution for those ones - feel free to fuck off back to where you came from, we've done without you for many years, I'm sure we'll continue to get on fine without you.

        Like several other countries, we sacrificed a lot of personal freedoms to get on top of this virus and, despite various ads about the need to continue being kind to people, now that life is pretty much back to normal very few of us will tolerate anything that puts our current CV-19 status at risk.

  3. markr555

    Looks like Singapore's off my travel list

    I don't care what the current crisis is, I will NEVER be tracked via GPS, so unfortunately Singapore now has to join Dubai et al as one of the places I will never visit again. You could argue that they may remove this restiction in the future, but I doubt it very much, it will no doubt be a 'storming success' and continued for all travellers for all time.

    1. Santa from Exeter

      Re: Looks like Singapore's off my travel list

      Got a mobile phone?

      1. markr555

        Re: Looks like Singapore's off my travel list

        Not one with GPS continually enabled, no. Yes, my phone is tracked no doubt, but that's a far cry from being mandated to be tracked. You know I don't by law need to have a mobile don't you? It's even got a power switch that doesn't cost me $7500 if I use it. You Pillock.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Looks like Singapore's off my travel list

          Just drive to Canada claim you are heading to Alaska and then go on holiday coughing over the locals. It's your constitutional right

          1. markr555

            Re: Looks like Singapore's off my travel list

            I'd need to drive over the pond first.

    2. julian.smith

      Re: Looks like Singapore's off my travel list

      Just another (American?) sociopath

      FYI Singapore is an advanced surveillance State

      It's for a limited time and solves the problem that self isolation leaks like a sieve

      Stay home where sovereign citizens have the "right" to be infected and to infect others.

      Florida would suit you: pandemic out of control, no plan, easy to buy a gun and shoot black / brown people whilst standing your ground


      1. markr555

        Re: Looks like Singapore's off my travel list

        A sociopath because I don't like the idea of constant GPS tracking? - WOW. I'm not american, I come from the UK, where fortunately this sort of surveilance isn't yet happening. These measures are currently temporary, my assertion is that they won't remain that way. My original post indicated that I won't be visiting Singapore while these draconian measure are in place, hence I added it to my list of 'don't visit' countries, how the hell is that sociopathic? You can visit if you want to, so why does my decision not to hurt your feelings so much that you accuse me of bigotry? I do stay home, and I take effective measures to limit my exposure to COVID, just because I don't like the idea of being constantly tracked doesn't mean I want to murder people on the basis of their skin colour, you utter plonker.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    it will trigger an alert to the authorities

    perhaps a low-voltage shock, as first warning, should be more effective? They shoot absconders, don't they? ;)

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's a Penal Tracking Bracelet

    but it's preferable to tattooing a barcode on your forehead, or a number on your arm.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's a Penal Tracking Bracelet

      Also, monetary fines instead of an official caning, although that could be because it might be too attractive for public school Brits :).

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