Careful, BT Openreach are pretty deceptive about their FTTC Cabinets operating at capacity.
"We don't have any plans to upgrade your area right now, but tell us you're interested and we'll keep you up to date when things change."
BT Openreach checker deceptively displays this message even when there is already fibre FTTC availability in an area, when there is an issue with the FTTC cabinet, where the cabinet is operating at (sweated to) capacity and there is currently a Brezhnev soviet style waiting list in place.
The idea seems to be to stop the non-technical complaining about them sweating their FTTC cabinets and Openreach/Ofcom having no contingency for situations like Covid-19, when everyone needed an FTTC connection asap as things switched to home working.
I know of a cabinet locally, has displayed that message for nearly 4 months during lockdown due to lack of capacity.
And of course, 95% of everything on Ofcom website, they spout about switching providers aka. Taking up fibre is utterly useless with no recourse, no compensation - until the cabinet's capacity is fixed.