DMCA was and is a horribly written law
DMCA was, and still is, a horribly written law. Also poorly understood. For example, there is a penalty clause for companies (or whoever, but lets face it, it'll be a company) that make false DMCA claims -- they are legally attesting the content they file against IS violating their copyright, not that it MIGHT be, with penalty of perjury plus additional penalties for false claims (intentional or not.) I.e., they can automatically scan for files, but each and every time they file based on those scans without checking the content first, they are committing perjury, and it can be shown they committed perjury when they flag files that are nowhere related to the song or movie or whatever they are filing about. There are DMCA penalties for this besides the perjury. BUT, I've only ever heard of this clause being used once.
I'm with EFF on this one. I will absolutely NOT be told what kind of software I can or cannot write, or what I can discuss; this thoroughly violates people's first ammendment rights. In a more specific sense, your site sends data to a web browser, the browser can interpret it however it wants. It is NOT obligated to track cookies, it is NOT obligated to run javascript, it is NOT obligated to pop a giant "buy it" box over the text on the screen. My personal preference now, so during the prohibition, several beer and liquor companies published pamphlets or booklets "warning" people how beer is produced so they don't accidentally leave the hops and such in there to ferment and produce beer, since that's illegal.
My personal objection to these paywall sites right now, the "new tabs" thing in firefox has article links with no indication of if they are "3 free articles then you are done" sites or not, often I would not "use up" my free articles to click on some link. In one case the page failed to load properly, so I reloaded, at which point that had used up my "free" article for the month. On several sites... and per the DMCA, I'm warning you so you don't accidentally do this... you better not hit the "stop" button too quickly, on several sites the article will load but the box covering it will not if you simply hit stop early enough; whatever you don't do that because it may violate the DMCA supposedly. Thank you, I'm here all night!