Re: A sad day
He kow-towing to Putin.
It's simple, Huawei were prepared to open their kit for the UK to ensure it wasn't backdoored. USA kit we *know* is backdoored because they just slipped a bill *requiring* it be backdoored.
We know where that Intel is going. Trump has been giving Intel to Putin on supposed terrorist, even as Putin has been ordering the killing of US troops by the same terrorists. If Trump'd kill his own troops for quid-pro-quo, do you imagine he would protect UK secrets? Everything is up for sale here.
Can I remind you, that stupid politicians put their government comms systems "into the cloud"?
Nokia might be a good compromise but Cisco is a disaster.
I think a lot of people (Boris included) think Trump will be out this election but the GOP have gone full election suppression, they have shown they are perfectly capable of blocking voters and now they have motive. They know he's a puppet, but country be damned!
South China seas aren't the limits of Xi's empire building clearly, draw a circle around that island he built, extend it all the way out to land, and you can see he plans on controlling those countries.
Putin is also clearly empire-building an east-west control zone which will give him control of petroleum assets. I'm expecting Georgia or Iran to flip next. Georgia from invasion, Iran from the push-me-pull-you that Putin and Trump are doing.
The UK most imminent threat is Putin. By far.
EU's most imminent threat is Putin. By far.
Putin is running a biological warfare attack against USA. He may not have created the virus, but his guys are certainly helping to try to spread it and kill as many Americans as they can.
The most urgent threat is Putin & Trump.