Re: Slow scan TV through Internet?
> we are potentially including many more people in the activity
Sure, but SSTV is (AFAIK, IMHO, YMMV) more a byproduct of ham radio, rather than a full-fledged independent activity, isn't it?
I've spent weeks alone in the middle of the ocean with only a SSB shortwave radio to connect me with the rest of the world, so I understand the fascination of being able to speak to somebody on another continent because of some freak ionospheric configuration, and the urge to explore what you can do with that box in front of you, your (only) link to the rest of the world.
On the other hand, in 2020 SSTV technology has lost a lot of the usefulness it had back when it was first invented (Hellschreiber, etc.). Nowadays anyone can send still pictures with email, and mobile phones made it even easier: shoot a picture, send it instantly with MMS.
The big thing in this case is the fascination of receiving something directly from the ISS, making the ISS more real (the same reason people like to watch it fly overhead). But this is diluted if this contact is make through some web site. It loses part of the face-to-face aspect where you get something directly from the ISS.
Of course, as I stressed all through my post, that's just my own 2 cent's worth, anyone else's mileage will vary, and I can understand that other people will be delighted with this opportunity. So keep up the good work, and big thanks to all who spent their time setting this up!