Leaked to the bad guys?
They ARE the bad guys.
This is a Republican thing, like the "Barr can snoop on any Americans internet without a warrant amendment", its pushed in the Senate by Mitch McConnell. These backdoors won't be leaked to the bad guys, THEY are the bad guys!
They're the ones committing the big crimes. Example: look at Putin's bounty on US troops, It's the same thing as Syria, send US troops back in body bags, Trump does a photo op with the body bags, pretends to have empathy, withdraws the troops from Afghanistan, and Putin takes over those bases. The body bags are supposed to be Trump's excuse. *Big* crimes.
Do you think they would do that if there was any chance they would be out of power next year? Do you think they'd tolerate all these back doors and US surveillance laws wielded by a Democrat? Obviously no!
We're further down the coup line now.
1) It's crystal clear the Republican States have reseeded the Corona Virus, that will spread to the other states.
2) The reduction in polling stations in Democrat leaning districts has happened and is crystal clear, e.g. 95% of polling stations in Kentucky closed (Mitch is Kentucky). Voters concentrated into only 5% of the polling sites, with Democrat leaning cities like Louisville forced into a single 'mega' polling station for a mega virus spread event.
3) The "mail-in" ballots clauses, attached to the second bailout is blocked by the Republicans in the senate, so many states cannot vote by mail. It will not be released until too late for mail-in ballots.
As predicted and as predictable.
So, there will be a large turnout to vote against the Republicans.
That will pack people into those few polling stations.
Republican State Secretaries will close those polling stations early to suppress those votes.
Republican appointed judges to the State Appeals Courts will back those decision to exclude those voters.
There will be riots and protests that will need to be controlled. That takes surveillance and control of law enforcement. Barr has already subverted law enforcement. These bills are to add the surveillance element.
So what are they missing?
+ Control of the Supreme Court. Roberts keeps sending strong signals that he won't back their coup.
+ An armed militia. Trump can only raise his 'whiney-Karens' not a 'Hitler Youth'.
+ Republican loyalty. You can see some of the States involved have chickened out. Texas Governor now regrets being involed. Florida DeSantis is still going for it. Call it what it is, intentional killing of large numbers of people for political ends is murder, DeSantis, murder.
It's all going pear shaped for them. Look at the warrantless surveillance amendment, it failed to pass. The Putin killings in Afghanistan, details leaked, Trump can go see body bags of troops and pretend to be concerned about troops as he withdraws them and Russia moves in, but its clear those body bags are Trump quid-pro-quo.
Nobody can touch US tech now, it has a Putin backdoor into it, because US has a Putin back door into it.