I don't want to offend anyone, as european guy from post communist country I met less than 5 black people in person (I had no opportunity to even speak to them), so I don't see into this in depth, so I am sorry in advance if I offend anyone. I don't have problem with anyone but how you act in US is not understandable to me.
If someone finds "blacklist" offensive, why should not I find "whitelist" offensive? So much crap happened in this world in the past and it's happening right now too... History shapes our future, some people are still stuck in the past just because they don't have better things to do.
For example: why don't we just end christianity, they killed so much people in the past in name of god.... oh wait it was solved by public apology (afaik) and now everyone is fine... why we don't change words that came from this background to something else? Why we fight/fought wars over territories so "our" people can live in a given country, our ancestors killed so much people because of that.
I propose that we change word "soldier" to "serial killer"... it's the same, just instead of ethnicity the difference is in the place where people live and language they speak or religion they have. People are killing people since we started evolving (or adam and eve if you prefer the biblical version).
As I watch the news about what is happening in the US right now I am mind-blown about stupidity of those people, instead of fighting, protesting, robbing closed stores, changing words like "blacklist" to "blocklist"... you could do something that makes the world better place to live (ex. stopping wars, climate change, water pollution...). How much people got injured during these protests? How much damage it did (injuries, finances, jobs,...)? Isn't the covid enough? Are you really that bored people?
Just because there are few people with IQ of a rocking horse (who also thinks that covid came from corona beer), killing each other (what is happening all over the world btw. between all ethnic groups) that does not mean that we need to act like stupid kids. Put bad guys in jail and let the good guys do their job and move on...