There's a rat in mi kitchen...
Never had anything particularly bad happen to my kit, though I once spent a fruitless evening chasing a mouse around the spare bedroom. Those wee beasties can move surprisingly quickly and can do some impressive acrobatics. Just wish it hadn't been at 3am, and in my house ;)
Saying that, a friend was once overjoyed to discover that a local tomcat has gotten into his house and sprayed his PC (which had the lid off to help keep it cool) with musk...
Another time, I bought my dad a hammock for his birthday - big wooden frame, nice canvas hammock. As his birthday's in October, this was duly admired and then stashed in the garage.
Come summer, Dad went into the garage to bring the hammock out, only to spy a mouse running out of the box. Turned out they were rather partial to the canvas, which now looked like a ragged old fishing net. Cue lots of cursing and a trip to BnQ to buy some traps...
Eventually, I bought him a new hammock, and the frame was duly assembled, the hammock put into place, and my dad leapt onto it with a big grin. Only for one of the wooden beams to snap, sending him spilling to the ground.
He's never touched a hammock since...