Re: H-1B visas [*] Silicon Valley to fill engineering departments with top intl talent
[OT musings...]
For all those Brits who scream about privilege crippling the country and needing to be destroyed:
It IS bad but weirdly the UK is about the least privilege-affected country on the planet. You're just more honest about it.
That chap's hedge fund was my first nose-rubbed-in-it exposure to what real privilege really meant. (Real privilege, not the psycho narcissistic bleating of parasites seeking attention by claiming someone's skin colour is unfair.) (He was allowed to rent Blenheim Palace for his wedding. Not the Orangery -- the Palace. Top half of the wedding table plan all had Titles.)
Thing is, it actually just feels on a day to day basis all really normal. Because it IS all just really normal. No difference. The only thing is, you're just routinely offered opportunities that you'd only ever -read- about. Yet they're just trotted out automatically, for YOU.
Saw that a lot when living in Hampshire; quite strange seeing people with £50m in the family accounts, routinely offered excruciatingly plum hedge fund jobs, necking beers with glaziers and builders raising families on £14k a year, and no one giving a shit.
Then later I did a lot of work in America. Dear LORD, does America make the UK look like a privilege-free ultra-flat zero-specialgroups utopia. You have no idea how lucky you Brits are, relative to the Yanks. The stratification is insane, and there is almost NO way through. It's so stiff, that most Yanks aren't even aware of it. They look around and think that the categorically rigid boundaries/opportunities around them ARE the world. But basically, where you start is where you finish. Check out the well documented stats on relative social mobility. UK smashes America. Well, I've seen the ur-process up close (trader, quant researcher, portfolio manager, dev, admin, and by historical accident loony heights multinational C-suite) and can confirm.
Then there's France. Which makes America look like a socialist wonderland. Not joking. Not exaggerating.
And then there's Asia. Which makes _France_ look like a pack of caveman-egalitarian privilegecircles-ultraignorant lightweights with NO idea HOW to _SERIOUSLY_ stratify a society. Feebs!
Only place I've seen lower status people being physically spat on is Asia. And with REAL anger that they'd ventured to seek to interact with those above them, because I was white so they thought I might be outside the normal constraints, but my local companions objected. And the screaming. God, the red-faced screaming. I never saw people being physically hit for doing so, but several friends did. I have a story too long re a longtime school friend with a historical-accident very very posh Asian accent (think Oxford++ + ++) (no I'm not nominating the specific language because for this topic I've not seen a difference between any of the Asian cultures) objecting loudly to being thrown out of an Asian posh shop in our home town in Queensland for not being Asian (blacks were physically manhandled), and the owner boiling out of the back room physically knocking mere staff out of the way, and shouting: "I'm terribly sorry, sir! I didn't know you were HUMAN!!!"