Biden hardly gets a mention here in the UK
Trump is always grabbing the headlines for the wrong reasons. I get the impression Americans will have a poor choice in November; Biden comes across as a lame duck and Trump as a moron. Take your pick.
Huawei is uncertain whether a change in leadership in Washington DC will resolve its ongoing woes with the US government, company representatives have told The Register. "We don't really know what Joe Biden stands for," said Sir Kenneth Olisa, Huawei board member. "It's a bit of a mystery… The politics in America are so …
No one is excited about Biden, but the deeper the hole Trump digs for himself the better Biden looks simply by being "not Trump". If I was Biden's campaign manager I'd tell him to just say and do as little as possible this summer and watch Trump continue to self immolate.
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> If I was Biden's campaign manager I'd tell him to just say and do as little as possible [ ... ]
That's exactly what Biden is doing.
This year, Biden's candidacy is just a textbook case of lesser of two evils. Under "normal" circumstances, he wouldn't stand a chance. He tried twice before, and failed miserably.
But this isn't a normal year, so all bets are off.
Biden hardly gets a mention in the UK because, well, there isn't that much to mention about him, and those parts of his track record that deserve mention aren't much to be proud of.
Biden is one of the authors of the 1994 mandatory sentencing law here in the US, and he always took credit for it. Unfortunately, it's not the only statute of that kind that he's supported in the past.
He's just an anachronistic leftover from the late '70's and '80's war on drugs delusion.
So, meh. Normally, I wouldn't consider voting for him. And the lack of interest in his candidacy here in the US is a worrisome sign for November.
G.H.W. Bush [Bush 41] lost his re-election bid in a 3-way race -- the 1992 election was between Bush, Perot and Clinton. That's a very unusual configuration for US elections. I am not at all convinced that Bush 41 would have lost in a traditional 2-way race.
Sadly how true. I remember voting for him. Because he said the things that needed saying. I was too young and naïve to understand that it was a trap. Then again beside such idogly, and a few stains on the carpart in the Oval Oriface. I don't think I could otherwise describe the political differences between these Two Gentemen.
> So, meh. Normally, I wouldn't consider voting for him. And the lack of interest in his candidacy here in the US is a worrisome sign for November.
I think you will find that there is more than a slight corrlation between this, and this
> If I was Biden's campaign manager I'd tell him to just say and do as little as possible...
Its campaining season... (Nomally), and, 'Ol Sleepy is no where to be seen. Lord help him if hes alowd to run his mouth off. Thanking the wrong Intervier (Or Netwok). Claming his candidacy for the Senate, in some other State. Where he would be otherwise ineligible to run in.
Honestly wouldnt even shock me to see Killary posture herself for the VP position. Cause the only cat to vacate the job faster them William H. Harrison*. Shall be 'Ol Sleepy, with Killary as his runnng mate. Which is also about the only way that witch could ever actually become the US Prsident. So Im calling it out now.
*Note he died of Typhiod Feavor 31 days after taking Office
Well Trump would be even more better off than Biden if they could lock him in his bunker until November, but he's so narcissistic that he'd probably die if he couldn't get regular doses of people fawning over him.
And I'd happily make a bet with anyone that Biden will not choose Hillary, the party would be in open revolt if he tried. I will say that if he wins I really doubt he plans to run for a second term at his age, so his VP pick is more important than most as that person will almost certainly be their candidate in 2024.
If Trump loses I think it is possible he might run again in 2024, and if he does it will tear the republican party apart. Which needs doing, to get the stink of Trump off it. I'm still registered republican since I'm too lazy to change it, but haven't liked the direction it has been going since 2008 when McCain (a man I truly respected and the country would have been so much better off had he won the nomination in 2000 and become president instead of Bush) was forced by the crazy wing to pick Sarah Palin as his running mate. I couldn't make myself vote for him knowing that she was a heartbeat away from the oval office. Little did I know someone far worse would occupy it only eight years later.
Trump's nomination was the last straw for me. I'm voting D pretty much across the board this fall simply because only by losing in epic fashion will they be forced to take stock of how things went so badly wrong the party could nominate someone like Trump and turn it into basically a religion worshipping him. You can't worship someone who alienates everyone who isn't white and also alienates women and young people for good measure, and think that's a winning formula.
I am not at all convinced that Bush 41 would have lost in a traditional 2-way race.
More than likely, he would not have lost. But if Sanders were to play the role of Ross Perot in 2020, he'd siphon away the already pathetic number of votes for Biden, making it even MORE laughable when Trump wins in November. Polls aside, they were 20 points off 4 years ago at this time in the race, and that was NO coincidence [many people believe that these political polls are deliberately used to drive Republican voters away from casting their votes, by depressing them or making them believe their votes won't count, so they stay home... and so the wording of the questions is carefully crafted, or the population samples are deliberately 'not representative'].
Trump is an efficiency-thinking business guy, and goes for the win in an efficient and planned way. So a clear margin in the electoral college is how you win, NOT the popular vote, and THAT will be the strategy. Again. The Trump 2020 campaign really just started 2 days ago. With the lamemainstream media against him in ALL ways possible, often deliberately stretching anything even remotely resembling truth into outright lies and falsehoods, while simultaneously leaving out ANYTHING that even REMOTELY resembles 'good news', it's a wonder that his numbers are as high as they are at the moment, except to simply say that MOST of us aren't fooled by it, not one bit. But there are a few I think that are losing hope, with the latest assault of doom, gloom, and daily pessimism. That should turn around VERY quickly (Trump's best talent, infectious optimism).
Huawei is trying to appear like they're not making any bets. But if I were them, I'd plan on 8 years of Trump, Republicans dominating elections across the USA (again), manufacturing leaving China, and more tariffs. Then again, they COULD become more open about things, particularly when it comes to the security concerns (China government snooping via any networks Huawei owns, for example), go out of their way to respect intellectual property (even for domestic products), and become the friendlier, more honest, more customer-oriented company we'd like them to be.
"If I was Biden's campaign manager I'd tell him to just say and do as little as possible"
That's what the (left leaning) mainstream media is doing as well. Biden walks up to the podium and starts a sentence. Then the network cuts over to a commentator to summarize his speech. So we won't have to watch him start to ramble.
Strike that reverse it.... And, you just might be correct. President Trump might be a great deal many different things to, different people. But, he defintly NOT a moron.. Someone running for the Office of the Presedency, claming to be running for the Senate, in a State, that is NOT his own. However IS the technical definition of the word Moron.
>"Presedent" Trump
That's, "Il Duchie, Emperor Donald I" to you.
The great thing about the Trump presidency is seeing the US constitution and judiciary doing what it was designed to do and throwing chains on the baby-brained tyrant. You can feel his frustration that he doesn't have unlimited powers. And what's even funnier is he doesn't even understand why.
"President Trump might be a great deal many different things to, different people. But, he defintly NOT a moron."
Behave. He's as thick-as-shit. He's so stupid that only inherited wealth and largesse could shelter him from a life of drafted military service, financial criminality and bankruptcy. That said he's just what the US deserve right now, so get ready for your second course of Trump Turd-Steaks. Bonne appetit.
I'm expecting them to run an election, but close specific polling stations (that score as Democrat leaning). The same Republican states, responsible for the spiking in Corona Virus infections, are also the ones cutting the number of polling stations down in Democrat districts:
"Kentucky Slashes Number of Polling Places Ahead of Primary—Especially Where Black Voters Live"
"Kentucky officials have reduced the number of polling places in the state from 3,700 in a typical election year to fewer than 200 this month"
200/3700 = only 5.4% of the usual polling stations available in Kentucky.
"Louisville’s Jefferson County (pop. 767,000) chose a single polling place... a convention and expo hall with spaced-out voting booths"
So they're trying to bunch everyone in a 767000 county to vote in one convention center with parking for 2.4% of that population and a tiny fraction of the public transport needed to deliver that population to that single voting center (e.g. 60 people per bus, quarter of a million people try to vote, it will be 4100 buses, a bus loading and unloading every 7 seconds). Obviously it will be impossible for them to vote. Physically they will not be able to go there, and do the vote, and with Corona Virus hitting, Kentucky's Secreatary of State will close that polling station.
A lawsuit filed was rejected by Justice Charles Ralph Simpson III, a Reagan nominee.
So you might anticipate what will happen when those few polling station is closed (citing 'safety') and lawsuits are filed to keep them open, take a guess how Justice Charles Ralph Simpson III Reagan nominee will rule.
First of all, this is a primary. Democrats can't vote for/against Republicans and vice versa in Kentucky. Suppressing the vote totals for one side or the other doesn't have much in the way of an effect on the outcome - Thus the "coup" you claim just cannot and will not happen.
Second, given the number of absentee mail-in ballots that have been sent out, the polling places aren't going to see nearly as much traffic as they had in a normal primary.
Third, four years ago, in a hotly contested primary race, Jefferson County only had 110,000 Democrat voters. I expect the single polling place to be busy, but I don't expect it to be overflowing. However, tomorrow we will see which of us is correct.
Fourth, you blame Republicans for limiting the polling in Jefferson County, but it was the REPUBLICANS who filed the lawsuit to try to get more polling places, and it is the Democrats who run Jefferson County who refused to open more polling. The judge in the case rules that there wasn't a statute on which he could rule -- in other words, the lawsuit was deficient. A real judge doesn't make the arguments, they rule on the validity of them.
Fifth, your talk about public transportation shows that you have no understanding of Kentucky or the rest of the "flyover" states. We rarely take public transit, with an almost 1:1 ratio between adults and personal vehicles. It isn't at all uncommon for a single person to have 2 or more vehicles that they regularly drive. Still, the Expo Center has 19,000 parking spaces, the polls are open for 12 hours, and it generally takes less than 5 minutes to vote. As such, each slot = 12 votes per hour, or 144 votes per day, for a total of 2,736,000 voting opportunities - for a county of 616,516 registered voters of whom less than 130,000 voted in the last primary. Even if each parking space only accounted for one vote per hour (228000) there is ample parking space for all voters that are expected to vote. If there is a space contention it will be in the number of voting booths, but with 1.3 MILLION square feet there will be plenty of space for them.
In short, almost all your claimed 4100 buses unloading every 7 seconds could actually park in the parking lot simultaniously. Parking isn't going to be an issue.
Is none of the above an option? No. One can vote for fringe party candidates or not vote.
Can the election be postponed? No. The date of the election is in our Constitution.
According to polls, does this public view Biden more favorably than Trump regardless of the candidate they support? Yes.
According to polls, is stopping Trump a major concern of Biden voters? Yes.
Can Trump still win? Yes. America First worked for Wilson and Harding. Law and Order got Nixon elected. Attacking the poor is an old American tradition. Supporting the wealthy brings in campaign money. And anti-BAME actions and rhetoric have a solid base of support. If COVID-19 and the economy improve enough before November it could make a difference.
Having said all that I want to apologize to the rest of the world in general and to Huawei in particular for America's actions over the past few years.
> Can the election be postponed? No. The date of the election is in our Constitution...
Humm I think a certin Mr. Roosevlt would like to have a quite word with you on that subejct. Because your comment (Though technically correct), is historicly false. Not only can such an Election be postponed.... IT ALREADY HAS!
> According to polls, does this public view Biden more favorably than Trump regardless of the candidate they support? Yes...
Yes, and accorfing to the same "Polls" We would be living under Queen Killary right now.... So yes please continue.
> According to polls, is stopping Trump a major concern of Biden voters? Yes....
And according to my reckoning a demented old fart who cant string Three little words into anything bordering on a coherent sentence. Is a concern to most of President Trump's supporters. WHO KNEW?!
This Cat need to just run for his Senor Center body President. Where he can double everybodys portion of medicated green Jello. Biden is so addled to poor deluded fool is campaining for the Senate. In a State, IN WHICH HE WAS UNABLE ABLE TO BE A SENATOR OF! This Is a Man so hopped up on Teeny Hairspray Whippits. He can no longer tell his own Sister, and Wife apart. need I go on about his cringy hairy legs? Looking back I should have known that Killary was going to loose BIG TIME. After all we have her to thank for Obmama. But, Biden has as much chance to win the election. As I do the Lottery.
Just the FACTS
Biden on AR-14's that don't exist-
Fact check on Biden's statement of 150 million people killed by guns in U.S. That would be close to half of the population.
Tara Reade former Biden staffer -
Yes, he's nuts. We all agree there.
Still, taking the guns away is his only sensible policy. He gets my vote for that alone. Maybe we can drag the paranoid cowardly gun worshippers into the 21st century.
Mind you, our gun culture is one thing other countries don't laugh at us about - the shocking death statistics are so bad, even our worst enemy can't mock.
Joe Biden largely stands for not being Donald Trump. In 2016, Donald Trump mostly stood for not being Hillary Clinton, so we shall see.
Date of election:
"The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States."
(U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 1.) Note that the day here mentioned is for the Electoral College to vote. In the early Republic the states held their elections at considerably varying times. In some states the electors were chosen by the legislature.
The reference to Roosevelt above presumably refers to the 20th Amendment, which moved the date of the presidential inauguration back from March to January.