Re: I must express my opposition to this
Laws, in order to maintain a just society, must be applied equally to everyone, to the best of our ability.
What happens if the telephone and internet companies, which are private companies, decide that YOU don't have the right to speak... not "here"?
What happens if restaurants decide that "Jakes" can't eat here?
Uh, yes, that actually IS illegal... and it's illegal because we had something very close to it before.
It was wrong then, even in privately owned restaurants open "to the public", and it's still wrong.
(Yes, in most places, owners/managers can refuse service to specific individuals, but not to "groups".)
More specifically on this subject, meaning FB, whom I do NOT like...
They ARE caught between a rock and a hard place...
Either they censor/correct HIM... and become a PUBLISHER...
or they censor NO ONE, and remain a "platform", which is what protects them from the
slander/libel posted by users...
And one more thing... free speech is one of the primary reasons that this IS still (mostly) a free country.
Even for people we don't like with opinions we don't like... because if THEY don't have the right to say them, then WE don't have (or deserve) the right to speak OUR opinions which THEY don't like.
For example, I'm sure that they would take exception to your calling them "mewling sycophants", just as HE would object to being called the "idiot in chief". Should you be banned for expressing your opinion of them in such deliberately insulting terms? Should The Reg be sued, and lose, for libel, or be forced to eject you? Should YOU be sued?