back to article Trump's Make Space Great Again video pulled after former 'naut says: Nope

A funny thing happened overnight in the world of space and politics as a campaigning video featuring SpaceX's commercial crew launch and promoting US President Donald Trump was abruptly pulled from YouTube. "Make Space Great Again" was uploaded to YouTube following the successful launch, attended by Trump, and featured a mix …

  1. Teiwaz

    Make ? great again

    This week, trademark infringement, among other things.

    1. bazza Silver badge

      Re: Make ? great again

      <pedant><apologies>Did you really mean ‘?’? I’m all for promoting the greatness of individual characters like ‘m’ or ‘}’, and especially the much neglected ‘:’, but I wouldn’t want to align such campaigning with the Orange Fart’s own...</pendant>

      1. Lotaresco

        Re: Make ? great again


        Is that a dangling participle?

        1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

          Re: Make ? great again

          Is that a dangling participle?


    2. big_D

      Re: Make ? great again

      I'll stick to one of John Cadogan's M.A.L.S. baseball caps (Make Australia Less Shit). Now that is the sort of honest, down-to-earth campaign that you expect from an Antipodean.

      1. John Robson Silver badge

        Re: Make ? great again

        Now that is the sort of honest, down-to-earth campaign that you expect from an Antipodean.

        Surely "Up to earth"

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    450 cities protesting racism

    450 cities across America are protesting racism. Lots of all-white peaceful protests protesting 'racism'. Really its about kicking Trump out because the Republican party seems to have lost its moral compass and backbone.

    4th July Coup basics

    You maybe noticed a few things recently:

    * Bunker-Boy is turning the Whitehouse into a fortress.

    * Tanks are planned for the 4th July,

    * Trump claims he can move the military into the States by declaring protestors as 'insurgents/terrorists'.

    * General Mattis warning against Trump, suggesting America unite *without* Trump.

    * Military leaders reminding their troops they swore loyalty to the Constitution. The Constitution is not the divider-in-chief! Soldiers cannot legally fire on US citizens just because Trump wants them to. Even if Barr says its OK, even if Fox New is screaming "kill kill kill".

    I know it sounds alarmist, but you need to prepare NOW, for what's about to hit you. There is no bottom with this guy. There is nothing he won't do, and nothing that his enablers won't enable. It should be clear from John Dowds letter and Bill Barrs action they are still planning to go for it.

    Coup Basics.

    The Whitehouse isn't the power. It's just a building. He will try to use its symbolism for his coup. He's fortifying the Whitehouse. Call him 'little bunker-boy hiding in his Wendy House'.

    Trump will pretend to have the military behind him. Enablers on Fox News will pretend he has the military supporting his coup. Call in Generals to testify their support of the Constitution. Prepare them now, get them in now swearing their loyalty to the Democracy that is the United States. Get them lined up to testify their loyalty to the Constitutional Democracy. America, America America. Canvas their views now.

    Get more ex-Republicans like Bush on board. This guy isn't the Republican party, and the current party members are afraid to speak out in case he attacks them and they lose power. Find ex party members who will speak out.

    You see how Barr has his private paramilitary security team ready? Get yours own security ready. You don't want a gun to your head.

    Don't let him capture the Supreme Court or its judges. A vote under duress is not a vote.

    Don't let him capture the House & Senate. If Trump captures the building, hold the votes somewhere else and declare it the legal vote anyway regardless of location.

    Fox News will be there trying for the full coup, trying to legitimize the coup. Trying to portray government as uniting around bunker-boy. Bunker boy will be trying to block all other channels.

    Twitter HQ, Google HQ, and Facebook HQ prepare your security. Anticipate the worst case. The worst case will involve guns to the heads of your CEOs! Prepare.

    There is no bottom with this guy. There is no bottom to his enablers.

    Decide NOW that you want the United States to be a democracy. Agree NOW that this is the best for everyone. Get Republican Fox News viewers to imagine their ideal candidates, suggest competent strong Republican leader figures they might like. Then remind them that a dicatorship will be Donald, Jared, then Baron. Not their guy. Not their vote. Not their choice.

    Ask entitled rich Republicans to imagine their life under a dictator. What if they say something that offends the dictators, can they breathe? Will he let them breathe? Do they think their money is worth anything if they can't breathe?

    In the 'Night of the Long Knives', hitler killed his enemies AND his rivals. People on his own side who could potentially take power from him. You might want to remind Barr, Pascale, Kavanaugh, Hannity, Pompeo, Murdoch, etc. of that fact. None of them think, they'll end up like Khashoggi, tortured and dismembered, but all of them are candidates for the scalpel. By the time they do, it would be too late. So paint their future for them now so they can see they don't want this.

    End it now.

    He has to go.

    1. oiseau

      Re: 450 cities protesting racism

      End it now.

      He has to go.

      Hmm ...

      Steady now, don't go and ruin a great 231 year streak.

      Get ready and come November flood the voting booths with people willing to vote a change instead of staying at home because they can't bother and ignoring the fact that the Electoral College is a clear and present danger.

      With all its defects and pitfalls, Democracy is the only way to go.

      I know what it is like to live in a country where Democracy, institutions and due process have been trampled on quite a few times, curiously enough (or not) with the concourse and approval of US governments of the time.

      Believe me, it is not something you want.


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 450 cities protesting racism

        Wait until you have lived in a country like South Africa as a “non-white/coloured/black” in the 1980’s. if it had not been for De Klerk then I should think there really would have been all-out war as there was no where else to go.

        Wonder who America’s De Klerk is? They already murdered their Mandela.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          "if it had not been for De Klerk then I should think there really would have been all-out war as there was no where else to go."

          South Africa is still festering. All that changed was that some of the ANC elite carved themselves a slice of the big pie at the top table. The oppressed are still in much the same position as they were during apartheid - possibly worse as the country's economy appears to be falling apart.

          It could still descend into civil war - possibly along tribal lines like Zimbabwe. Even forty years ago the many tribal (black, coloured, white) histories, rivalries, and multitude of pecking orders going back hundreds of years were still clear demarcations in people's minds.

        2. Someone Else Silver badge

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          Wonder who America’s De Klerk is? They already murdered their Mandela.

          We don't have one. To be a de Klerk requires balls, and balls are in serous short supply on the left side of the pond.

        3. Michael Habel

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          You mean now after 26 years (IIRC), that there is in fact NOT a war going on against White Farmers? Seems to me that we are focusing on the wrong Refugees....

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 450 cities protesting racism

        @"Steady now, don't go and ruin a great 231 year streak."

        46 years. Nixon was impeached and booted out by protests. Republicans can get a spine, they don't need to get in with this coup. They can cut their losses *now*, like they did with Nixon.

        Every Republican can simply decide they'd like to be part of the Constitutional democracy. They don't need to block this election, they don't need to roll out the tanks on US streets to attack peaceful protestors. Trump's coup needs to fail.

        How many do they think he'd kill? 10? 10000? Because he was 3 million votes short, perhaps he should kill 3million +1 Americans? And you think he'd limit himself to attacking voters but not leaders? There is no bottom with this man. 111,390 dead so far and he won't even wear a mask.

        @"Get ready and come November flood the voting booths with people willing to vote a change instead of staying at home because they can't bother and ignoring the fact that the Electoral College is a clear and present danger."

        Republican States opened up early, Covid19 cases are spiking again, Florida, Arizona,... they blocked mail-in ballots to force people into those voting booths. Republicans States won't hold an election.

        If Trump rolls out the military across the country, and body bags line up along the walkways, there is no way they'd hold an election.

        USA needs to be a Constitutional Democracy again.

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          The woo is very strong in this one. I strongly suggest not feeding it.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          Every Republican can simply decide they'd like to be part of the Constitutional democracy.

          It is thus worrisome how many chose to vote for him in the (mostly unopposed) primaries. Many more could have chosen to vote for the other guy, whateverhisnamewas, just to show that Mr. Trump had no real support (among the lowest in approval rating polls, compared to other presidents). But he got to boast 90% or so win in the primaries. It sucks to be a Republican today, embarrassing.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: 450 cities protesting racism

            Republicans are a pack animal, they follow the leader of the pack, till he's too badly crippled then they replace him on mass.

            There never is a middle state with them.

            You see him lie about his popularity among Republicans to delay the ejection from the pack.

            Have you ever been at a shareholder meeting and the CEO says "sure things are bad, but without me they'd be much worse"? It's that strategy. I've never seen a meeting where that has ever worked (or been true), but they keep trying it.

            Their window for ejecting him is very very limited. Once they're cancelling the elections they become powerless and are full on locked into a full coup.

        3. oiseau

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          46 years. Nixon was impeached ... *

          I'm citing 231 years of continuous Democratic process with all its institutions intact.

          No small feat in the Americas.


          * IIRC, Nixon resigned to avoid the final House vote and then the Senate vote, which would have probably impeached him so he decided not to chance it. Republicans in congress are still bleeding from that wound, which (besides most of them being professional assholes) is the main reason for closing ranks behind The Idiot® on every occasion.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: 450 cities protesting racism

            "I'm citing 231 years of continuous Democratic process with all its institutions intact."

            Apart from that little matter of a civil war.

            1. seven of five Silver badge

              Re: 450 cities protesting racism

              Don't mention ze war?

            2. Michael Habel

              Re: 450 cities protesting racism

              That was started by a Republican President. So yes there was that...

        4. macjules

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          Leads back to the old joke:

          Trump: "I am going to kill 3 million Americans and 1 clown"

          United Nations: "Why the clown?"

          Trump: "See! Nobody cares about Americans."

        5. Michael Habel

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          Peaceful?! Tell that to the Shop owners, who got robbed, and their properties burnt to the ground? But, I guess they must of bee equaly as guilty of killing an uncontrollable man hopped up on goofballs? Which I would remind you AGAIN was the offically stated cause of death, and not because a Policeman decided to give a knee to the cause.

          Well here I was wondering if we would ever hear from BLM ever again. Lord knows impeachment was a bust. The Economy will eventually recover eventually, and Biden is a fools hope. But, we need to find something new to bitch about, and Wuhan Flu is just getting long in the tooth now. Also explains why so many Europeans are on the streets this time 'round. like anyone gives a **** about BLM. and, that this isn't just a way to blow off two months plus of self quarantining due, to the coof.

      3. A-nonCoward

        don't go and ruin a great 231 year streak. was Re: 450 cities protesting racism

        I also know. I wish I had more than an upvote to give. At least have one on me.

      4. Michael Habel

        Re: 450 cities protesting racism

        If Sleepy, Creepy, Sleazy, Stuffy headded, and, Wheezy Quid Pro Joe, is the best that side has... (And, he is!), the our side has nothing to worry about. I agree with you though. The left are baiting our President into a false flag moment, and as much as I hate to say it. The only winning move really is to not play their game. If they want to have commie thugs runnig the place. Then let them. hopefully by the time November rolls along both the Mayor, and that useles know nothing Governor of Washington State will both be out on their arses. If nothing else, I forsee Seattle, and Portland becoming the left coast equivalents of Detroit.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 450 cities protesting racism

      The police are trying to combat racism - today they shot a homeless white guy in a wheelchair in the face with a plastic bullet.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: 450 cities protesting racism

        "today they shot a homeless white guy"

        How do you know that? The news media never reports white folks getting shot ... and it's politically incorrect to point this out, as will be seen by all the down votes I'm about to get.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: 450 cities protesting racism

          All the protest footage is faked.

          Obviously all of America is faked, when you fly there they just have you circle around and then you land in a studio backlot. That's why it all looks like the movies.

          The moon landings were real - the USA is fake. Wake-up sheeple !

          1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

            Re: 450 cities protesting racism

            If the USA is fake, then what diseased mind invented Washington DC? Or the Philadelphia cheese steak?

            1. jake Silver badge

              Re: 450 cities protesting racism

              "what diseased mind invented Washington DC? Or the Philadelphia cheese steak?"

              Probably intelligent people fleeing British oppressiveness.

              Shame that both have become perverted over time ... except you can still get a good cheesesteak in Philly. (Being a foodie, I'll leave the Pat's vs Gino's argument alone in this forum. Recommend all y'all do the same. I also recommend you try both and make up your own mind.)

              1. A-nonCoward

                you can still get a good cheesesteak in Philly

                Nope. Between protests, the National Guard, curfew alarms followed by tornedo alarms (same alarm, natch), I wouldn't even try to get that there today.

              2. Blank Reg

                Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                "Probably intelligent people fleeing British oppressiveness."

                That's may be what Americans are taught in school, but in fact most were relgious zealots, and they're still paying the price for that today.

                1. Rol

                  Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                  I can only imagine the sigh of relief from villagers and townsfolk up and down blighty, when their local fuckwits left to go to America, in search of similar thinking fuckwits, that they might form a community, that against all Darwinian thinking would prosper, flourish and grow to create the greatest amalgamation of self serving fuckwits the planet has ever seen.

                  "The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!"

                  See! Even Christ is powerless to intervene in America's ascendency up the Devils sphincter.

                  1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

                    Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                    4th July was also the date that the French surrendered following Waterloo.

                    A double reason for it to be a bank holiday

                2. AK565

                  Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                  I actually grew up not far from Plymouth, Mass of pilgrim fame. ' Religious dissidents' was the phrase used. SOme were zealots and some weren't. Zealotry tended to wane among those who stayed on the East Coast and wax among those who moved west. The revolution? The teaching was that George ignored the colonists'rights as British subjects so it was his own damn fault the whole thing happened.

                  Speaking of monarchs.... Some people here in the north east US have been wondering..... Do you think if we asked really, really nicely the Queen would take back New England, NY, and NJ? NY, NJ, Conn., and Mass. all pay way more in taxes than we get back from DC so we can offer a sweet deal. Pretty please?

                  1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

                    Re: 450 cities protesting racism


                    Who was eerily similar to the Orange One - he had minimal attachment to reality and lived in a little bubble of his own where no-one was permitted to oppose him..

                    Of course, George had valid medical reasons. OO not so much.

              3. Spanners

                Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                Probably intelligent people fleeing British oppressiveness.

                More like intelligent rich people setting up a new country where wealth is more important than anything else. Yes, that has more or less held ever since.

                1. Toni the terrible

                  Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                  The Land of Mammon?

              4. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

                Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                Probably intelligent people fleeing British oppressiveness

                Ironically - the Pilgrim Fathers (and Mothers) were fleeing because England wasn't oppressive enough for them - they wanted to kill all the Catholics but were not allowed to. So they got in a huff and left to form their own white, oppressive theocracy.

                Sounds familiar eh?

              5. Michael Habel

                Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                Not sure about the Cheesesteak. But, If I recall my hostory lessons Washington District of Columbia. was designed by the Pierre Charles L'Enfant who could possibly catch the heat for that latter.

              6. Mooseman

                Re: 450 cities protesting racism

                "Probably intelligent people fleeing British oppressiveness"

                Ah, the great American myth that your founding fathers were fleeing oppression.

    3. Blank Reg

      Re: 450 cities protesting racism

      If he tries something like this then he'll end up like so many other dictators have done, strung up by his own people.

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: 450 cities protesting racism

        Do you think, with so many robocops around?

        Still seems like a 50/50 coin toss on whether the country will be called the United States or Gilead by this time next year.

    4. jgarbo
      Big Brother

      Re: 450 cities protesting racism

      Relax. Trump will go when his owners say so, not before. They, not the voters, installed the fool, and he's done a good job: tax breaks for buddies, division of the rabble and lower middle class, outrage among the minorities, while the Fed's owners give themselves a few trillion bonus for all their hard work. They see the empire's finally got too expensive to maintain without milking the locals, who are finally waking up. Trump's orders are ignored, his decisions reversed daily. Does he even notice? So relax, the owners have it all under control.

  3. martinusher Silver badge

    Practically the only thing that has gone right in his Presidency

    Its normal for politicians to mooch off success, Trump's just a bit more barefaced about it than most. He desperately needs a win, any win, and the fact that he probably didn't even know SpaceX existed a month or so ago (and definitely has nothing to do with agencies like NASA because they just represent funding to cut if they can't be co-opted directly to further the interests of his circle).

    Most of us have just got to the point of "shrug" -- its less than 150 days to the election. Anon above has pointed out the dangers we face and they are real, Trump's not so politically savvy to understand he's acting like a Fascist dictator (in the Mussolini mold) but there are identifiable senior Republicans who openly espouse this political system (they just don't call it by name, using terms like 'common cause' that don't trigger a reaction). We're stress testing the Constitution (again), let's see if it holds up.

    1. Rol

      Re: Practically the only thing that has gone right in his Presidency

      Just looking at the British monarchy, we can see, how following a particularly nasty Royal, society takes a little more power away from them, until the position of king or queen is nothing more than a tourist attraction.

      If Trump has achieved anything in his presidency, it is that he has shown the position comes with more power than an insane man should ever be allowed to wield.

      I look forward to the day that the American president is bedecked with gold and jewels. To be rolled out at state functions and then returned to the walled garden, where their manic rantings and dribbling rhetoric is hermetically sealed from the rest of us Earthlings.

      America! For the sake of humanity, put your dog on a leash. A very short leash. And in Trump's case, muzzled, and booked in with Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer, for some very long and trying training sessions.

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: Practically the only thing that has gone right in his Presidency

        until the position of king or queen is nothing more than a tourist attraction

        We're not quite there - the Queen still has the power to refuse to sign something into law. Of course, all the frothing republicans would immediately demand that she be de-throned and the UK becomes a parliamentary republic.

        Because that's worked so well for the US..

    2. Mark 85

      Re: Practically the only thing that has gone right in his Presidency

      Trump's not so politically savvy to understand he's acting like a Fascist dictator (in the Mussolini mold)

      Oh, I think you are very wrong in this. I think he knows very well what he's doing. Look that the world leaders he's praised and calls "very fine people" and look at the leaders he's shunned and insulted. Look at the way he argued that he should have an extra year because the impeachment took a year out of his Presidency or at least his focus on the Presidency.

      If he pulls a win in this election out of his ass, it's very possible the next 4 years will be hell. I worry not only about our people but the Constitution as he continues seeking work-arounds of it.

      If he wins.... my find all be having to chant "Hiel Trump". Be afraid, very afraid, this guy's mental state has been questioned by my folks brighter than most of us and it shows that he's all out for power.

  4. Unicornpiss

    Trump's campaign slogan..

    "Grasping at Straws 2020"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trump's campaign slogan..

      For October: A year ago, if I had said the President would allow 150,000 Americans to die in six months without any effective response, and would then say "This is a great, great, day!" - you would have said I was pus-brained crazy and run away from me.

      Vote against the pus-brained crazy.

      1. Nunyabiznes

        Re: Trump's campaign slogan..

        Just over 111K have died in the US of Covid-19. Over 50K have died in the UK.

        US population: ~331M

        UK population: ~68M

        So, US = .0003353% death rate

        UK = .0007352% death rate

        Maybe someday we will get a real count of PRC deaths.

        1. James Anderson

          Re: Trump's campaign slogan..

          Yes but people are still dieing at about 500 per day, lock down is non-existent and there is much under reporting as you need to pay for medical attention (like getting your death certificate filled in correctly).

          Just a matter of time before the death rate exceeds the appalling UK total.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Let's just face it - in a nutshell, the orange guy is completely off his trolley and border-line nuts. I rest my case

    1. Sgt_Oddball

      Re: Nuts

      That implies he was ever on or owned his own trolly to start with...

      What I want to know is why everyone (at least those that mattered) let him get to this point? I mean the whole tax return thing, the amount of failed businesses that he's had. The sexism, nepotism... The lack of a thick skin. The list goes on.

      It's like some bizarre mashup of 1984, Brazil and idiocracy. All while desperately wishing Starship troopers would be the actual reality instead (I would mention a brave new world but there hasn't been a film of it yet).

      (and yes I'm aware of the irony of Starship troopers that the film misses by a planetary system).

      1. Andrew Newstead

        Re: Nuts

        There was a Brave New World miniseries in the eighties starring Keir Dullela.

        1. Sgt_Oddball
          Paris Hilton

          Re: Nuts

          You think he's got the attention span to watch a whole mini-series?

          I admire your confidence...

      2. Rafael #872397

        Re: Nuts

        "I feel the federal government—just strictly as an entertainment medium—is pretty good." -- Dave Barry (

      3. Blank Reg

        Re: Nuts

        "That implies he was ever on or owned his own trolly to start with"

        Well he may not own the trolley, but he may have manged to con someone into thinking that putting his name on the trolley would drive up business. But that doesn't stop him from claiming to own the trolley, at least until the trolley runs into financial trounle, then he will claim he had nothing to do with it, never even heard of the trolley. Doesn't even know what is a trolley.

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Nuts

        As I've not read the book, but do know of the film, I'm a little confused which you mean. As one satires the other a bit.

        I thought the problem with both is they are idealistic, and the results are not in reality what either writer/directer states.

      5. PerlyKing

        Re: the irony of Starship Troopers

        What irony was that? I haven't read it for a long time, I always thought Heinlein was dead serious.

        For a counterpoint to Starship Troopers try Joe Haldeman's The Forever War.

        1. Spanners
          Black Helicopters

          Re: the irony of Starship Troopers

          I would have first read it in my early teens. At that age, the politics of it went right over my head as assumed "American nuttiness" or something. Like the rest of Heinlein, it is a good story. His later works were more insidious and it took me a long time to see through TANSTAAFL and other bogus ideas.

      6. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: Nuts

        There was a made-for-TV film version which started Leonard Nimoy about 20 years ago.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nuts

      Let's just face it - in a nutshell, the orange guy is completely off his trolley and border-line nuts. I rest my case

      Don’t forget that he was democratically elected. He was, then, the choice of the US electorate.

      Same as Brexit, BoJo as pm, Bolsonara in Brazil.

      Social media has a lot to answer for.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Nuts

        He was elected by the electoral college not by the electorate. Trump received fewer votes than Clinton, but those votes aligned with the college better than hers.

        1. Nunyabiznes

          Re: Nuts

          Which is the point of the Electoral College. It was designed to keep the urban vote from completely overwhelming the agrarian (now simply rural) vote.

          Good thing too, whether or not you agree with any specific outcome.

        2. Michael Habel

          Re: Nuts

          And, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY FOR THAT TOO! If you think 2020 sucks now... Imagine if it was Corbyn running this sh-show, along with kill-em-all Killary? we would be both broke, and dead...

          I hope in a hundred years time history will be kinder to Boris, and that he might have a statue next to Churchill, for having saved Great Britan.

          1. Mooseman

            Re: Nuts

            Michael....did you remember to take your medication? I assume you're on some kind of anti psychotic drug, otherwise there is no rational explanation for your ranting drivel.

      2. Michael Habel

        Re: Nuts

        Social Media is only a micosom of any population. Anyone willling to bend the knee to the Twatterati should do so at their own peril. Case in point? Um.... Didney Star Wars, Gamergate, and Comicsgate spring to mind.

        As to our "Girl! having all the votes... Well much like Social media, the major Urban areas DO NOT GET TO DICTATE their unwanted opines onto the rest of the County. And, once you get away from the filth, and utter degeneracy of those Urban centers. You will find that most people are just downright closet yatziees, who will disrespect your pronouns.... And, so you thankfuly end up with someone alpha AF like President Trump. Because that is how the Electoral College was created. Precisely so New York, Chicago, the Left Coast could, not impose their wills onto the rest of us.

  6. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    "No bucks, no Buck Rogers."

    I don't care about Buck Rogers, as long as there is Wilma Deering

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge


  7. jake Silver badge

    That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

    Was it made in China?

    1. Chris G

      Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

      Go to AliExpress search for Hat 'Make America Great Agian' you'll get a few pages of offers starting from around a dollar eighty.

      So, this time around, I think there is evidence the Chinese are supporting Trump, I am thinking of buying a Trump 2020 tee shirt to hang on my dart board. Only $5.00

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

        Meanwhile on the other side of the pond...

        "Woman told her ‘F*** Boris’ T-shirt is illegal by police"

        1. gnasher729 Silver badge

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          I’m sure if she’s good looking the ex-tennis player will be up for it.

        2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          >"Woman told her ‘F*** Boris’ T-shirt is illegal by police"

          That's worryingly close to an invitation as far as Boris is concerned

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          "[...] T-shirt is illegal by police

          IIRC the Telegraph basically said it was a justified police action as "think of the children".

          Many years ago a woman similarly took me to task for wearing a T-Shirt motif that was "69 - try it you'll like it". I pointed out to her that any kid who understood it was long past being "corrupted" by the motif. A neighbour was puzzled by the motif - until her 14 year old daughter said "oh mum!" and then explained it to her.

          Some people trot out "think of the children" when they realise that "the bible says" is no longer going to cut any ice - in much of England at least.

        4. Michael Habel

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          Well to be fair the UK does not have a provision enshrined in any of its laws reguarding the freedom of speach. Again in this case the freedom of political speach. I guess someone should go ask Yaxley Lennon, or Mark Meechan all alout that.

          1. Mooseman

            Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

            go ask Yaxley Lennon

            hes not interested in freedom of speech unless its his "right" to some racist rant.

        5. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          Posting this now, 4 weeks later for the record...

          British Transport Police have apologised to the woman:

          "Now Flynn has received a letter of apology on behalf of the chief constable of British Transport Police (BTP), which says the instruction to cover her T-shirt and the brief detention to give that direction were unlawful. It apologises for any distress caused and gives an undertaking that “the wearing of the T-shirt alone will not lead to her arrest or any direction to cover it”"

      2. sanmigueelbeer

        Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

        I am thinking of buying a Trump 2020 tee shirt to hang on my dart board. Only $5.00

        Don't waste your hard-earned money on a t-shirt.

        Mark my words, before the end of Trump's first term, he'll demand to have his face in a new US$4 bill.


        1. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          Well, if there's still a shortage of toilet paper by then...

        2. Chris G

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          $4? Is the price of a cup of Covefe?

          I'm bored throwing darts at a pic of Boris, I thought El Naranja might make change.

          1. Michael Habel

            Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

            I thought Hipstarbucks wanted 5$ for their Covefe?

      3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

        'Make America Great Agian'

        LOL, was that a typo or tare here really Trump marketing items with that slogan? Mind you, the sort of people buying that cheap made in China crap probably wouldn't notice the speeling mistook.

        1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

          Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

          Yeah, I'd prefer to go for 'Make America Grate Again'!

          1. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

            Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

            Don't forget "Make America Great-Britain Again"

            Just in case of a US-Exit by some States...

            1. AK565

              Make America Great Britain Again

              The thought has occurred. The main 'donor states' (pay more to D.C. than they get back) might be interested. NY, NJ, Mass., Conn. are in the top 5 and the rest of New England would prob go along. Do you think the Queen would take us back? From this side of the pond it certainly looks like you guys are doing better than we are.

            2. Michael Habel

              Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

              Thank you, but no thank you... We are happy with the way things are. Perhaps we need to make Europe Great Britan again.... (Well if it gets you to shell out that fine Stirling why not?!). As it is though its looking like the European Union is going to loose that one, and jolly good show too! hopefully Italy will be the next to leave, and we can be done with this rotten expriement in globalism.

    2. rcxb Silver badge

      Re: That's a cheap-ass looking hat he's hawking.

      Not at all. What would give you that idea?

  8. This post has been deleted by its author

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Took first good look at

    the US Federal Secretary of Silly Tweets the other day. You know, he looks even more like a deranged Pooh Bear than does Our Dear Friend Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping looks like a smug Pooh Bear - Trump looks like a deranged one.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Took first good look at

      At the rate he putting on the pounds (weight not money) he'll soon be a "bigger man" Xi. Maybe he is already?

  10. Jonathan Richards 1 Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    A hat tip...

    ... to the person who writes the URLs for El Reg's postings.

  11. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Baby small hands suffers another paramulator ejection event

    Rattle thrown clear out the pram on that one.

    People like Nelly love to be feared and admired.

    Not ridiculed and laughed at.

    Having no sense of humour (about themselves) they can't take jokes about themselves (they don't mind laughing at other people, like the poor, minorities or women for example).

  12. steviebuk Silver badge

    Curious to know...

    ...why the owners of Star Trek haven't sued yet. As his "Space Force" badge is a clear rip off of Star Fleets badge. It really feels like he got one of his arse kissers to do the logo, who has no clue about design so just trawled the Internet until they found something they liked.

    1. IT Poser

      Re: why the owners of Star Trek haven't sued yet

      Because the TOS insignia is strikingly similar to the delta-esque shape in NASA's 1959 "meatball" logo and astronaut pins NASA began awarding in 1963. If you're thinking about the TNG logo that is derived from the Air Force Space Command's logo dating to 1982. The existing government-created prior art makes the suit virtually impossible to win.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Curious to know...

      On the topic of movies, is there anywhere we can start a petition to make the Space Force salute be the routine from The Three Amigos?

      "Space Force! Huh!"

      1. Julz

        Re: Curious to know...

        Or perhaps Arnold Rimmer...

        1. Michael Habel

          Re: Curious to know...

          I thought... With that show being british, and all. That, that was how you red coats did it. because everythig has to be about theatrics with you lot.

    3. Spanners

      Re: Curious to know...

      George Takei (Mr Sulu) tweeted that he would appreciate an acknowledgement.

  13. Big_Boomer

    I made this

    I made that rocket, it's a great rocket, can you see the rocket that I made? Isn't it a great rocket. Who are SpaceX? I made the Space Force logo too. It's a great logo because I made it. It doesn't have a rocket on it but it's very spacey, like Star Trek. I don't know what senile means. Is it used in rockets? What do you mean I can now use 280 characters in my tweets? Since 2017? But I am no longer able to think in more than 140 characters per thought. I'm 73 you know.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: I made this

      Let's make dementia great again! And again! And again...

      1. Michael Habel

        Re: I made this

        Lord help us if Sleepy, Creepy, Sleazy, Stuffy head, and Wheezy Quid pro Joe Biden should somehow win his re-election into the Senate again. (HIS WORDS!).

        Then lord help us!

  14. Intractable Potsherd

    This was entirely to be expected

    As I posted about two weeks ago, "For me, the only sour note is the MAGA-esque jingoism - "Hey, it's All-American, woot woot!!11!" " If anyone thought that it wasn't going to attract this sort of behaviour, they really aren't paying attention.

  15. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Hard to believe people actually get *paid* to do this stuff and don't check questions like this.

    Then again "Take the money and run" seems to be the theme song of this presidency and it's line-your-pockets-as-quickly-as-possible inner circle.

  16. Michael Habel

    Gets the nogon joggon

    As if she would have griped had the last Administration puulled this stunt. Oh well if its Sleepy joe we have to worry about heres to four more wonderful years

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