Not suffering fools gladly
I am a septuagenarian. I have absolutely no intention of participating in contact tracing or antigen testing.
My understanding of infectious disease epidemiology far surpasses that of any member of government and that of most of the so-called experts it has called upon for (sometimes self-serving) advice. Whilst some of those consulted have sound credentials in 'science' (at least by present day standards) the impression is of them ploughing narrow furrows.
What sorely is lacking is advice, this either not sought or not heeded, on risk assessment, weighing one risk against another, and balancing consequences of not taking an action against anticipated deleterious results of that action.
What appears on offer is a patchwork of understanding but with nobody capable of sewing the patches into a tapestry and thereby grasping the big picture. The whole sorry process being overlain by tacky political considerations. It is no consolation to be aware that clowns drawn from any other party at Westminster would have been unlikely to fare better though perhaps their leader might have displayed less hubris than Johnson.
We now have a spooked population with many fearful to emerge from their homes. There are cretinous individuals, sadly including some police officers, who worry over outdoor separation, almost to the inch, whilst not understanding the extreme unlikelihood of contracting infection in that setting. Technological solutions to contact tracing and testing for infection are an utter waste of resources and give false reassurance to the nervous.
Meanwhile, the general public, now very confused, is distracted from deploying the one measure which above all slows spread of the virus: hand hygiene. Somehow all the 'experts' failed to consider the relatively low-cost expedient of issuing, free of charge, hand cleansing gel for people to carry on their persons; its mass manufacture is simple and quickly organised by refocusing breweries and distilleries.
Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
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