american recalling all Seal's accomplishments
what's his sperm count, also something to brag about?
As well as that launch and docking, there was plenty to amuse rocket fans last week as China unveiled space station plans, ESA aimed for more bonus science and Rocket Lab named the date. Again. On the 12th launch of Electron, my true love gave to me... Small sat flinger Rocket Lab is very much back in the launcher business …
The choice of military pilots is presumably why the ISS has produced so much top-rated science and greatly advanced our ability to perform high school science fair experiments in space.
There are very few ex-special forces scientists on the LHC and as far as I know none of the directors of CERN (except possibly Fabiola) have ever killed a man with their bare hands.
Sounds a bit unfair, CERN grade boffins can still design the experiments to be performed on the ISS, and I don't think they'd be superior to current astronaut profiles in actually executing them. It's a bit like saying the guy cleaning the shit from the monkey cages has to have a PhD in biology.
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