500GB of text
That's a lot of text.
But, with all these models and better and cheaper etc, where are the actual products that use them ?
Is it all done so that Siri can become actually useful ?
Let's catch up on recent bits and bytes from the world of machine-learning. There’s a GPT-3! OpenAI teased its latest text-generating AI engine GPT-3, a bigger and better version of its predecessor, in a paper on arXiv. The giant autoregressive language model has a whopping 175 billion parameters, making it more than a …
Ditching production for a better purchases department only works as long as somebody keeps producing. Else eventually all the leeches will be standing there, looking stupid, having nothing to steal aggregate.
I fear we're heading towards the point where news (and thus our view of the world) will be made by YouTubers and other "internet influencers" (called that because easy to influence with money).