Coup, one small glimmer of hope
There has been one small glimmer in this straight up coup attempt. A ruling led by Justice Roberts.
To kill elections in the USA, Republicans need to suppress polling in >= 3 states. e.g. Florida, Georgia, Texas reseed the epidemic together with suppress mail-in ballots and cramming voters into a low number of polling stations.
At election time if people are forced to vote in-person with an epidemic raging, then they risk illness and death. So the epidemic is a good way of suppressing votes in those Democrat districts. Nobody wants to die, to vote.
Arizona closed 20% of polling stations, Texas , closing 10% of polling stations in *Democrat* leaning districts to try to keep the voting numbers low by making it as difficult as possible to vote in those districts:
Now with a epidemic, if that doesn't work out, and the people try to vote in large numbers, they can fall back on closing the polling stations, citing 'safety'. "We closed them to prevent the spread of infections in these dangerous times".... "thinking of the people" etc etc. Portray themselves as the good guys, even if they reseeded the epidemic to create this situation.
With a Republican dominated Supreme Court, they can expand that suppression of votes in 3 states into suppression of the whole US election, it will be along the lines of "a partial election is not an election".
Trump then has a bunch of emergency powers to seize power and hold his coup and whatever Barr comes up with:
So, for example, he can use US military against the people, and indeed Trump's current racists shit-stirring seems aimed at exactly that. With the Pentagon right now, preparing to deploy troops inside USA:
To have the epidemic raging at election time, they need to 1) reopen early during rising infections, 2) stop mask wearing to spread it, 3) turn maskless, mass meetings into super-spreader events.
You see all of these things happening through right wing media, in these Republican States and in Churches.
Churches are ideal for spreading disease, lots of people inside, told to put their faith in God, and the face-mask as a sign they have no faith!
So, as example, Florida Govenor, Ron DeSantis for example, did not sign a stay-at-home order until Florida Counties put their own in place. Those County stay-at-home orders banned in-person Church services. DeSantis state wide order, allowed the mega-churches to open and hold services. He then signed a second order setting his stay-at-home order as the MAXIMUM. In effect overruling the ban on Church services and letting the Churches open up.
It's just Republican politics. They don't have the majority of the people behind them, they suppress votes. They divide the opposition. Set American against American. Only now it involves an epidemic and a lot of death. It requires they kill a lot of Americans to justify killing the election.
So, you have all these little people, part of the coup, and yet not aware of their part. Justice Keith R. Blackwell is just one of them. He wants to retire from the Georgia Supreme Court, he says "I won't stand for re-election", Kemp asks him to resign two months earlier in November before the election, probably offers some inducement, e.g. put a word in with Trump for a US Supreme Court slot.
Blackwell will not be party to the coup. None of them are aware of the full plot yet. Justice Roberts in particular votes partisan on auto pilot without seeing the whole picture even as its hitting.
You show the little people how their part of the coup fits the whole, and they can then choose whether they actually want to be part of this, or if they'd like to simply keep working for 2 months more till their term expires on January 1st.
This is the fix, shine sunshine on the plot.
So the glimmer of hope:
Justice Roberts sided with California Governor on letting him keep churches at reduced capacity during the epidemic:
If Republicans can't use the Churches as epidemic spreaders, they've lost the easiest way of spreading the virus. If the epidemic is done in November they cannot suppress elections. You'll see Trump try everything to keep it going, you'll see Kavanaugh and Barr try everything to keep it going, but its not a foregone conclusion that they will win.
I want you to notice that the other Republicans Supreme Court judges were totally happy to spread a deadly virus through the Church community. *Their* church community. When wave 2 hits because of these Republicans, and those Church goers die, remember these people. Remember who killed them. Particularly notice Brett Kavanaugh's actions here in this vote. His divisive opinion:
"By contrast, wrote Stern, “Kavanaugh crafted a narrative of invidious religious discrimination. His dissent reads like a brief by the church, not a judicial opinion. Kavanaugh alleged that Newsom’s order ‘indisputably discriminates against religion’ in violation of the free exercise clause. For support, the justice insisted that ‘comparable secular businesses,’ like grocery stores and pharmacies, ‘are not subject’ to the same restrictions imposed on churches. California must have a ‘compelling justification’ for this disparate treatment, and he saw none.”
All those people wearing masks and keeping distance, are working to save all those people in the churches from dying. Kavanaugh wants them to worship in-person in high-density, knowing it will spread the epidemic among themselves and kill them.
And the churches are open, but people are worshipping at home to do their part and they're struggling with reduced income. The church goers don't want this. And the people outside, wearing masks, they have the mask on to save the life of the people inside. They don't want this either. The two sides are *united* in wanting this disease ended.
See the dividers trying to divide you?
Don't let them divide you.