Worst Case Scenario
Wow they are mighty weak: " ill-advised" ,"chilling effect on civil liberties", "accountability" The MET will scream "muslim terrorist spotted on camera" and they'll get their way immediately.
Instead consider the worst case scenario and then estimate how likely it is:
Putin puts a puppet leader into the UK, Senior policemen are taken into a meeting at the top of a high tower. Three of them fall out of the window to their deaths 'in mysterious circumstances'. Suddenly all this face tech is used to ensure Putin puppet stays in power. Track his critics, arrest dissenters and suppress opposition. Police are remarkably compliant, as are judges, all except Judge Jefferies, who was shot repeatedly in the back, police are calling it a suicide.
Now look at USA, what's stopping the full take over is the separation of powers, all those checks and balances are a damn nuisance. Trump so far has only been able to deliver the things wholly in the executive branch. If it requires legislation to hand it to Russia, he's screwed. If it requires the States to comply, he's screwed.
As to how likely it is, well Ukraine, Hungary, are examples not far away. USA is in denial about it right now. Each time he hands something to Russia, they try not to see it.
So the police are out of control here, the mechanisms to protect the people from a rogue force are not in place, and people are too compliant (i.e. afraid) to call the police action rogue and outside their remit. You don't let the police decide that you will become a surveillance state, and nobody dare say anything.