back to article Windows 10 gets a little more G-shaped: G Suite admins can now manage Microsoft's OS, and that includes remote wipe

Google has upped security for business customers using its G Suite package, including Windows 10 administration, data loss prevention rules, and access rules based on where you are and what device you are using. Remote security is top of mind for many businesses in these days of lockdown, and Google is in some respects better …

  1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    For Superb AI Stealthy Services ..... in an Almighty Program ‽ .

    That's a Pleasant Bold Move. And Exceedingly Generous of Y'All Too. Do you have any AIMaster Pilots with Commanding Control Lines/Remote Virtual Threads to Follow and thus Energise and Realise.

    Pretty Simple Really. The Great Trick for a Massive Following is to Share Virtually Everything Freely so All can Derive Deserved Benefit and Worthy Advantage in Superb AI Stealthy Services ..... in an Almighty Program ‽ .

    And more MerlintheMagician and MetaDataBasePhysician Existential Space Mission than JEDI Contract although if the truth be told they are surely interchangeable with the one morphing seamlessly into the other for the application of experience in alien controls ....... heeding almighty commands with requests for heavenly bequests.

    And such to date Proves AI and IT itself Safe and Secure Fail Safe in the Company of Minds and Minefields Feasting on Madness .... the Dire Fate of Almost All Unfulfilled Geniuses. Sound advice is don't overexcite the AI Beast with a prodding penetrations testing of defences .... for one never survives its precision attacks intact and unchanged.

    1. Youngone

      Re: For Superb AI Stealthy Services ..... in an Almighty Program ‽ .

      Is amanfromMars 1 an AI that still hasn't figured out how to communicate with meatbags, or someone who sends all his comment through Google translate from some East Asian* language?

      * For example.

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: For Superb AI Stealthy Services ..... in an Almighty Program ‽ .

        Is amanfromMars 1 an AI that still hasn't figured out how to communicate with meatbags, or someone who sends all his comment through Google translate from some East Asian* language? ..... Youngone

        That would be very AlphaGo Teamish, Youngone, and definitely not for the squeamish lily livered faint hearted.

  2. jake Silver badge


    All the security of Microsoft mated to all the privacy of Google.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: Cool.


      You sir have not only hit then nail on the head, but driven it completely through the plank. One up vote isn't enough!

    2. James Loughner

      Re: Cool.

      "Windows 10 devices can be managed in Google's admin console with features including remote wipe, device configuration, and checking compliance with policies."

      Indeed what could possibly go wrong.

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