Your new cookie stuff is broken [aka why you shouldn't roll out changes on a weekend]

This topic was created by heyrick .

  1. heyrick Silver badge

    Your new cookie stuff is broken [aka why you shouldn't roll out changes on a weekend]

    Firefox (a recent one) on Android (8). Ghostery and such installed as standard.

    Choosing the inviting "Accept all this junk" option, the banner goes away. Everybody is happy.

    Choose to be subversive and manage cookies and accept only the necessary ones, the content of the banner goes away leaving a big empty box (, and going to any other page brings the cookie selection nag back again.

    1. Marco Fontani

      Re: Your new cookie stuff is broken [aka why you shouldn't roll out changes on a weekend]

      Thanks for your bug report.

      I deployed this change over the week-end to ensure the smallest amount of people would be affected by whatever bug might've come up. It's unfortunately hard to ensure we never introduce bugs, but we occasionally fuck up. We do try not to, but it can happen.

      The problem seems to not be entirely how you described it, but you got me looking.

      It's not about whether you accept all or only customise - if you open an incognito/private window on forums, you'll find neither button works, displaying the message (but if you keep your device on landscape, you might have to scroll up to see it):

      Something went wrong with the submission. Please try again.

      The problem occurs on forums and search, or any other sub-domain in which we use a "base href" set to www - as the POSTing of the consent form isn't done on the correct domain (forums or search, respectively) - but is instead done to the base href (www).

      I'll look into this imminently (or tomorrow morning EU time, depending) and will hopefully come up with a fix soon.

      Thanks again for having reported this.

      Meanwhile, might I suggest you can still manage/set/reset set your consent options through the "Your Consent Options" link in the footer.

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Your new cookie stuff is broken [aka why you shouldn't roll out changes on a weekend]

      I'd have thought the weekend would have been the perfect time to roll this out if the readership is lower.

  2. Marco Fontani

    This should be fixed now, and the (AJAX-powered) consent form submission works on forums & search, too. The "JS disabled" version never had this problem.

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