Re: It also bears repeating
Major government
Yep, I stored(*) all my mailboxes from around ‘08 when I was accidentally a consultant at the European Defence Agency and years later the free Bitdefender macOS AV found all sorts of historic goodies, sorry baddies at play. One bunch, obviously from Gloucestershire even slipped a few lines of malware script into the emails from BBC’s “the Secret Show” on CBBC to my nine-year old youth.
This was nicely confirmed by the BBC when I fairly recently complained to them about this alleged incident a decade earlier, targeting the family of a person of economic/scientific interest and my complaint was instantly treated as serious, escalated to a senior level of mismanagement and eventually analysed by their cyber security team & reported on, all highly unusual behaviour for our dear BBC.
The gov’s never give up either, as last year a phish email was sent to an aged parent’s iDevice. It was an impressive nation-state spoof that led to a zero-day website, which was gone minutes after the malware was delivered. These attacks are “expensive”, so mystify me, If our KGB wishes to know anything then just phone me up, I know they have my number as they’ve phoned me twice over the last decade - once pretending to be an Intel(chip) trying to send me a .pdf of the latest CPUs[**] and once when I registered my ‘play’ website in Lichtenstein- a scary phone call{***}
(* terrorbytes of Time Machine backups)
[** attempt to penetrate my work networks by socially engineered malware containing blob being phoned thru’ for acceptance before deployment; I declined, but they were very plausible & multilingual - from a UK 0345 number!]
{*** they have a job to do, hopefully some baddies are targeted, when they have the time/interest}
I assume my iPhone is stuffed with bad stuff from all sorts of other autocratic governments